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This is a global project that is about to create a better story Industry with the provision of necessary dApps and problem solving tools that will add up to bring about the breakthrough that this sphere needs. Many still haven't fully understand how vast this sphere is and the implications of its retardation to the world of entertainment. This is the source of all forms of drama, musical contents, film, novels and other contents that are inclined to this sector. To get the most of these contents, there is need to improve on the way the sector has been over the years. The market size is worth consideration and a way to maintain high growth can only be attained using this platform called Storichain.


This is said to be the major solution to focus on story contents in our world. For so long there hasn't been so much concentration but now there would be full assets management through STORICHAIN. It was established to prevent fraudulent actually with authors contents and to bring profit to those who endlessly contribute to the system. The problems of profit sharing has been around for a long while and has been caused as a result of the lack of a standard way to measure contents value and their worth in currencies. A great profit sharing model has been introduced as a result of this platform's contribution thus creating no doubt for the profits shared in the content world. With this, to get compensated for ones work becomes so effortless for contents creators while they have more confidence to show off their works.


This platform has designed a stable community where all those working with a specific author like the co writers, the contracts and the different third parties they participate in the content production. There is a contract to guide them and make reference to all those who partake in the work so as to share the profit accordingly.

It is also very easy to be a story teller or a writer as a user of this network. Anyone can easily write good content and share to the public in a very fast and reliable way.

The project is transparent enough for everyone to participate in it as a reader or a writer. There is nothing more desired from the users other than their interest which will go a long way to benefitting them as well as this platform. There is full transparency and fair operations among the authors which is a common feature of every global Innovation.

All the right Protection Protocol as well as copyright protection will be th advantage of this platform to the authors, having made their involvement known with it. They will be provided with new and existing templetes to use for the convenience of their works. They will be made available in form of kits that would be affordable and that will be seen as a contribution on the part of STORICHAIN. Those who aspires to writers will have a channel to put them through and for their legal acceptance to make things orderly as they use the contracts that is responsible for this. A group of developers we're able to design the DApp, using their experiences to benefit the system positively. The DApp is overrated and is seen to possess the MVP central application alongside the alpha and beta channel or protocol.

For all the consumption, distrubution and even the creation of contents in this multibillion industry, STORICHAIN will be involved and will have the stakeholders trust the system. The right protocols are available to be deployed as necessary for the operations using the tokens as well as the smartcontracts as a permanent leverage that can be trusted at all times.


The universal world experience will find expression on this platform as contents which every author can Share in their own unique ways. The right tools to function with will always to available and the world most famous writers or story tellers will rise from STORICHAIN. By achieving all these, this project will be said to have accomplished its mission in the sector.

Website: https://storichain.io/
Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1s902dyb4msuSu4dcg-9tlqE8vVcxC2Kb
Telegram: https://t.me/storichain_en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/storichain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/storichain

Bitcointalk Username: Chomsy
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1759759

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