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С уважением, команда “Голос”
8 лет назад

A few notes on Golos kickstart for the new users.

Sorry for English again, but I cannot express myself fully in Russian, yet.
Use google translate if you need to, it helps a lot.

I just have a few notes on the Golos kickstart.

You will understand the real user base looking at http://golosd.com/distribution

Currently the numbers are around 350 active users for last 24 hours:

Active last 24 hours
$MG levelacctsaccts %stake
$00 dust61.70%0.00%
$0.030.01 newbie31689.77%0.01%
$0.30.1 user92.56%0.00%
$31 superuser30.85%0.01%
$3010 hero41.14%0.13%
$300100 superhero92.56%1.37%
$3,0001,000 legend51.42%11.16%

You have to understand that the number of real users is much less than that.

See my recent post https://golos.io/ru--torgovle/@cryptomental/torgovle-valyutami-2016-11-07

I strongly suspect that 90% of the ~80 upvotes came from upvote bots, perhaps from https://golos.io/ru--bag/@steemitmarket/blokchein-steemit-i-golos-pod-ugrozoi , @steemitmarket you do not have to confirm.

Anyways what is really, really, really important to understand at this point:

  • there are just a few of us here from outside of the Golos core team and closest friends.
  • this is a great, great experiment with a lot of uncertainty
  • golos.io is self moderated, in the future users will decide what is to be hidden, what downvoted etc. but it can all be and will be monitored by internal and external agencies, similar like other social media, facebooks, etc., it can also hold legal and illegal data. remember: everything that is stored in the blockchain is visible for everyone and is stored there for ever.
  • what is important now is to attract a large real user base to get the project a big attention. This is very hard with the limited budget and without mainstream tv / press coverage. Think about your friends, friends of their friends etc. Organizing meet-ups in universities is a good idea. If you know someone you can even invite a group of people sharing the same interest or social group. Just look at https://www.dukascopy.com/fxcomm/miss_dukascopy/?action=participants . This is a Swiss forex broker offering a contest and prices, as you see almost 5000 women from the eastern Europe registered for the hope of winning a bit of money, fame and bringing attention to them. Golos has a similar potential if used wisely.

Do not let your initial bad attitude towards original people that try to post content discourage them, this happens faster that you would have thought, as this experiment may end up with 1000 users cooking themselves together in a kind of a goulash soup complaining on each other. This is a vicious circle.

I am running a witness node, I believe in the platform and I hope it will be more than successful.

These are just a few remarks for you to consider. Let's make this experiment great.

5.205 GOLOS
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