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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

MB8 Coin to book your holidays and travels, or purchase products online within the Multibuycircuit.

Overview of Eurocredit Plus Loyalty Rewards Token
Multibuy has been running their traditional loyalty rewards system since 2005. Whilst extremely successful to date, a traditional rewards system can prove costly to run and manage especially when scaling the expansion to a global market.
On such large scales, the central distribution and support is labour intensive, logistically difficult and open to fraud or abuse of the system.

Why are we changing from Eurocredit Plus?
Already proven and highly successful, the expansion of our Eurocredit Plus loyalty rewards system was an obvious opportunity to utilise the efficiencies which Blockchain technology brings. By replacing our traditionally “closed system rewards model” we aim to expand to many new markets, leveraging the innovation of this exciting space. This transition will also allow for the platform to be greatly enhanced and expanded for the benefit of all participants. After the launch, our existing Eurocredit Plus rewards platform will close to new customers and be swapped for our cryptocurrency called MB8 Coin.

Why is MB8 Coin different?
MB8 Coin will be used as the 'fuel’ for the existing loyalty rewards network. MB8 Coin will be the first ever cryptocurrency that is released with a proven real world use and will be accepted as part or whole payment within the existing network of vendors and retailers. MB8 Coin is set to become the backbone of the rewards network that is already being used under white label by over 2100 businesses

Why the change?

Already proven and highly successful, the expansion of our Eurocredit Plus loyalty rewards system was an obvious opportunity to utilise the efficiencies which Blockchain technology brings. By replacing our traditionally “closed system rewards model” we aim to expand to many new markets, leveraging the innovation of this exciting space. This transition will also allow for the platform to be greatly enhanced and expanded for the benefit of all participants. After the launch, our existing Eurocredit Plus rewards platform will close to new customers and be swapped for our cryptocurrency called MB8 Coin.


  1. MB8 Coin will be listed on exchanges where customers will have the ability to trade the coin for other currencies.
  2. MB8 coin will be accepted by over 2100 businesses soon after ICO completion.
  3. The Multibuy App is being re-developed and will soon show nearest accepting business partners.
  4. Gain MB8 Coin while using the existing rewards platform.

Business Partners

  1. Vendors will receive MB8 Coin at ICO and from all future customer redemptions on offers.
  2. Ability to accrue 5% additional MB8 Coin rewards p/a. (by staking)
  3. Ability to benefit from increased business from new customers and brand awareness.
  4. Ability to buy and sell the rewards tokens on the open market rather than from a closed source at a fixed price.


  1. Reduced costs in running and maintaining the Multibuy rewards system.
  2. Increased business recognition and new customers from untapped areas.
  3. Industry first where a rewards system replaces its operating model to Blockchain technology.
  4. Opens the rewards system to anyone who wishes to participate.

Purchase Stages

Public Token Sale

7th May 2018 – 31st March 2019
3 Tokens = €1 Euro

Budget Allocation

MB8 Coin Roadmap

MB8 Blockchain Goes Live

  • Genesis Block
  • QT Wallet Goes Live
  • Explorer Goes Live

MB8 lntergration
MB8 Coin will be integrated in to existing Multibuy Platforms.

MB8 Listing Exchanges
List MB8 Coin on cryptocurrency exchanges.

MB8 Listing on Coinmarketcap
List MB8 Coin on cryptocurrency platforms such as Coinmarketcap.

Coin Distribution
ICO Participants receive their MB8 Coins.

MB8 Web Wallets Goes Live
Digital Wallet System goes live.

Multibuy App
MB8 Coin Wallet integration in to existing Multibuy app.

please visit the site below

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Username BitcoinTalk : Aini97
Url Profile Link
Eth : 0x430757f89cE5a7E26f76CEa89fb6281225dfd5C9

0.337 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2018
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