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5 лет назад


Colleagues, welcome to my interesting investment blog. Today we will get acquainted with an interesting platform A2TRADE. This platform is intended for investments, and in different directions. These include stocks, bonds, Forex and of course cryptocurrency.

That is, we have some advanced platform that uses only the best tools for online trading. Do not forget that smart contracts are used in the work, so all activities are completely transparent. Here You can both buy and sell any crypto asset, and it takes a few seconds. In order to start trading, you just need to Deposit cryptocurrency to the broker's account and start trading.

How are technologies applied in the work itself? Let me briefly enumerate.

We deal with automatic trading, that is, trading robots, algorithms and of course artificial intelligence tools.
The work uses increased security, namely 2-factor protection and other tools.
Huge selection of crypto wallets, about 15 pieces.
This includes customer support through artificial intelligence, namely automated KYC, deposits and withdrawals.
There are also tools for mobile applications
And most importantly, it's powerful APIs and free code for developers on Github
What else does our platform include??

Well, the most important thing is the crypto-exchange itself
Possibility to exchange Fiat money and cryptocurrency into gold, diamonds and other precious metals.
There is leverage, as well as margin trading to increase potential profits.
The exchange and the broker in the work used as much as 9 different types of orders.
Custom extensions and simple indicators are available for all levels of trading.
You as a user can receive tokens from the loyalty program and from the referral program.

The details of token sale
The token from the platform A2trade carry markirovku ATT and he is the token utility, and development on the basis of Protocol ERC-20.

Total offer: 200 000 000 ATT
130 000 000 ATT allocated for sale

The cost of the token at the time of the ICO: $0.32

Investment is taken very many cryptocurrencies: ADA, B2BX, BNB, BCH, BTC, EOS, ETH, DASH, DOGE, LTC, NEO, the NEM, USDT, XMR, XRP

Minimum fee target: 2 996 000 $
Maximum fee target: 26 630 000 $

During the ICO program there will be several stages, each of which implies different bonuses.

At the time of the Pre-ICO, the bonus was 40% of Your investment.
The first stage of the ICO program meant a 35% bonus to Your investment.
The second stage of the ICO program meant a 30% bonus to Your investment.
The third stage involves a 28% bonus to the investment and at the moment, at the time of writing, we are at this stage.

During the 4th stage will be 25%, and during the 5th stage will be 22% bonus. Therefore, all references to this project will leave in the description. Investing in blockchain involves risks, always study White paper.

#A2TRADE #Exchange #Forex #Broker #myetherwallet #ethereum

Official resources
ICO Website - https://a2trade.io/
LIVE Website - https://a2tradefx.com/
White paper - https://a2trade.io/en/documents
Telegram - https://t.me/A2TRADEIO
Twitter - https://twitter.com/a2_trade
A2TRADE #Exchange #Forex #Broker #myetherwallet #ethereum

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