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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Apollonia Healthcare : future of medicine

Hello Golos Community, if you are interested in the Blockchain project it's good to read my article because I will introduce the Blockchain project called Apollonia Healthcare and to find out the benefits of the Apollonia Healthcare project, stay here to the end!

Apollonia is a medical ecosystem, which includes electronic health records, telemedicine, medical tourism, medicine e-commerce, insurance policies and development of open markets for medical data trading. Patients, doctors and clinics, insurance and pharmaceutical companies, online pharmacy, researchers and lawyers are the core audience of the project.

Apollonia ecosystem:

  • Gives personalized tools to each participant of the medical industry;
  • Provides the ability to quickly find doctors, clinics, insurance companies, medicines, medical information;
  • Ensures the safe interaction of users;
  • Guarantees compliance with agreements between users through smart contracts;
  • Provides reliable and fast transactions by APOLLO coin, as well as payment in any convenient fiat currency

Why online medicine?

Below there are few examples that explain the necessity to develop online medicine.

Online counseling for asthmatic children

  • The study involved 400 students with asthma, aged 3 to 10 years, from the school district of Rochester, New York.
  • The first half of the students got medication from school nurses and passed medical examinations online twice a year.
  • The second half which was the control group took recommendations on the disease prevention and visited a local doctor.
  • For the entire school year, the first group had more asymptomatic days than the second one and only 7% of them required emergency care during the year comparing to 15% in the control group.

Online psychotherapy

  • The study involved 329 patients with mental disorders.
  • Patients in the first group were consulted by doctors via telephone.
  • Patients in the control group underwent standard procedures of psychotherapy in doctors' offices and periodically visited clinics to receive preventive programs (diet, exercises, advices on a daily routine).
  • 53% people from the first group reduced the number of psychiatric symptoms and panic attacks while only 32% of the control group got the same result.

Such examples of efficiency are the best prerequisites for the product which will be able to offer a comprehensive solution for several sectors of online medicine to enter the market. At the moment, the low-competitive market of online medicine is an excellent starting point for start-up companies seeking to occupy their market share and consolidate for several decades ahead.

The Apollonia Healthcare project is steadily reaching its goal of becoming one of these companies by offering a comprehensive solution for such important issues as:

  1. diagnosis errors due to ignorance of the patient's medical history
  2. limited choice of qualified doctors
  3. absence or inaccessibility of information about doctor's competence, drugs availability, etc.
  4. the inconvenience of making payments for consultations, insurance, medicines, etc.

The main features of the Apollonia ecosystem

  • The central element of the ecosystem is Marketplace which provides interaction between patients, doctors, clinics, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, online pharmacies etc.
  • Personalized Dashboards (EMR, CRM etc.) are for each category of ecosystem participants. For example, doctor gets access to EMR system where he is able to manage his business and patients accordingly to his professional needs.
  • Apollonia Healthcare Coin (APOLLO) gives opportunity to pay for ecosystem services, doctor’s consultations, buy medicines, get rewards and more.



  • August - Development of token economics
  • September - Airdrop launch
  • October - Bounty launch
  • November - December - Private sale round


  • January - February - Pre-sale round
  • February - March - Main sale round
  • May - Listing on Exchanges

ICO Price - 1 APOLLO = 0.03 USD
Our own-developed investors dashboard accepts all main crypto-currencies (BTC, ETH, BCC, EOS, ONT etc.)

For more information about the Apollonia project and the sale of tokens, please visit the links below:


Author: SanZoldyck

My BitCointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1045517;sa=summary

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