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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

GYM Ledger : The World's 1st Sport Band with Integrated Hardware Wallet

Hello Golos Community, in this new post I want to introduce the GYMLEDGER project, and for more details let's just go to the following discussion:

About the project

Gym Rewards is a fun blockchain company that gives us the opportunity to earn money by playing sports. The idea of ​​the project is to motivate people to exercise or participate in any physical activity that will be paid in direct proportion to the intensity of the exercise. Blockchain Gym Rewards network is not the same as other networks, because the miners here are mobile applications. Rather than computing the power of computer equipment - training in the gym and sports.

Currently, most people do not watch their health. As a rule, this is always tied to a tight daily routine and stressful daily life. The developers of the Gym Rewards project are also facing this problem when they have to spend all their time in office work and have no chance to go to the gym or just to get started. That is why they decided to make an ambitious, complex project, but very useful.


For those who work in the gym to fix their numbers, sometimes there is a sufficient amount of motivation to do it regularly. Many people know or have heard that in order to achieve the desired result, there must be tremendous efforts for themselves, as classes require a rigorous observer to visit the gym, as well. strict diet. Most people have difficulty rebuilding the new regime, because previously no one watched as they needed to eat, bedtime, so that the body could recover and be ready for the next training session.

Let us now abstract out of the sport activities to get a visual result and recall that, first and foremost, the movement is life. Moderate exercise is necessary for our body. Lack of physical activity by age can lead to the development of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. That is why doctors recommend walking in fresh air or minimal exercise.

Since we are talking about a system that uses electronic money, then, of course, it is noteworthy is a problem as the safety of our funds. It is never too late to take care of your own safety, but it is better to do so in the face of unpleasant surprises.

Based on the above, the following can be summarized:

  • Humans lack the proper motivation to achieve results.
  • Lack of physical activity leads to health problems.
  • Not enough knowledge about how to protect yourself in the electronic money world


The Gym Rewards project team has developed an innovative solution to all of these issues. This solution is based on a mobile application with a non-centralized operating device controlled by the Proof of Exercise protocol. This program allows users to earn GYM token during training.

The meaning of the blockchain network is that the registry is decentralized, and computing power is needed to maintain its performance. Typically, this is done using equipment such as a computer or mining farm. In the blockchain Gym Rewards network, miners perform the functions of the miners' mobile devices. The app monitors the location of the device and if its location matches the location of the gym, the app will automatically be activated. The mechanism of the work lies in the fact that the application is synchronized with a wrist brace that reads the pulse and sends them to the application. The pacemaker calculates the level of physical activity of a person and bases on them, calculating the bonus amount in the GYM token. Cards are awarded in mobile applications,

The Gym Ledger wrist strap is used not only as a tool for heart rate monitoring, but besides everything it is a cool wallet to store electronic money.

To better understand how it works, analyze all the elements of the ecosystem separately:

  • Portable Gym Rewards application. Now it is fully functional and available for use on Anroid OS and iOS. This app includes bracelet readings, physical activity calculations, and billing tokens.
  • Wristbands with wallet function. Wrist watch wristwatch. It also performs the function of an iron purse, such as Trezor or Ledger.
  • Exercise Protocol (POE). Evidence of exercise. This is a smart contract reward system that is activated when a mobile device has an application running based on GPS data confirming that the device is in the gym.
  • Exchange Exchange GymBase Exchange token. Designed to provide users with convenient opportunities to quickly and easily sell the tokens earned during training.

Token Details for Gym Ledger ICO

  • Tokens Offered: 20 million
  • Soft Cap (Public ICO): 4 million
  • Hard Cap: 20 million
  • Distributed Token: for now it hasn't started yet but will be done soon
  • Pre-Sales: October 1 - October 15
  • 1 LGR = worth 0.0014 ETH Discount: 30% (0.70 ETH. Get your free GYM Ledger device)
  • Token sales: October 16 to October 31
  • 1 LGR = worth 0.0015 ETH 25% discount (0.75 ETH Takes you a free GYM Ledger device)
  • Token sales: 1 November - 31 December
  • 1 LGR = worth 0.002 ETH 0% discount (1 ETH Takes you a free GYM Ledger device)
  • Token Allocation Forecast
  • Max Cap: as much as 100M
  • Token for ICO: 20 Jt

Token Distribution And Funding Allocation 


The Gym Ledger team works hard to reach the target on time. The following is the expected time achievement.

  • Q1 2018, Concept, Formation Concept, and Team Assemble
  • Q2 2018, Research, Evidence from concepts, Strategic Plans, and Completion of whitepapers
  • Q3 2018, Design, Platform design and technical demonstration, and ICO Press Tour
  • Q4 2018, Pre-Sales, Personal Financing & Improved Seed Financing, and Public Financing & Improved Seed Financing
  • Q1 2019, Hardware Alpha Test, Public Financing & improved seed financing
  • Q2 2019, Hardware Beta Test, Private closed beta, and Open beta is released to public plans and improvements
  • Q3 2019, additional Cryptocurrency, additional Cryptocurrency added to Hardware Wallet, and Additional Tokens added to Application mining
  • Q4 2019, utilizing the Community, Establishing a global user base, and the USA starting the selection of retailers
  • Q1 2020, completing hardware related matters, integration of third-party controllers, and market cooperative modules
  • Q2 2020, More Operations, Integration with Personal Chains, More Coins in Wallets, and new services offered by members or businesses

You can find out more about the platform or participate in their crowd sales through the following links:


Author: SanZoldyck

My BitCointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1045517;sa=summary  

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