Уважаемые пользователи Голос!
Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад



Modern methods of mining crypto currency implies huge financial as well as time costs, you have to buy expensive equipment, or hope for the success of cloud mining. But the developers of the SECURIX platform are sure - their project will significantly change the alignment of forces in this segment!

A video for a brief introduction

Features of SECURIX

Users of the platform will be able to receive monthly passive income, regardless of the situation on the crypto currency market. Here are the main features of the project:

EAN 2 EAN - a system that allows you to steadily extract tokens inside the platform.

There is no production contract, shelf life - cooperation is really simple and profitable for all.

Revenues from gross income.

No problems with cloud services and frequent losses of cryptocurrency.

Value of the token is supported by tangible assets.

Excellent choice of the country for the location of capacities for the production of cryptocurrency

The Netherlands / Holland are well known for their consensus models in politics and economics. Their choice for placing mines is based on several factors - strategic location, security and scalability.

To ensure the successful fulfillment of their ambitious business goals, management and employees of the company live and work in the same country where the capacities will be installed in the Netherlands. Thanks to the efforts of the founders, Securix is already ahead of its road map, updating its infrastructure.

The roadmap


The EAN-EAN platform is a decentralized platform with fewer parties involved. No intermediaries and additional time, financial costs.


Their monthly reinvestment strategy will increase the cost and volume of tokens. Thanks to the efforts of developers and a thoughtful strategy, everyone can expect to receive a regular passive profit.

The tangible assets determine the value of the tokensThe cost of tokens depends directly on the number of installed equipment and the quality of its functioning. Token can be purchased for only 1 dollar. Up to US $ 0.85 is used to purchase equipment for mining equipment and electrical engineering. This means that token is supported by acquired assets and has a real market value of $ 0.85.Problems and existing solutions

  • Do not follow the road map

Most ICOs do not have a real product when they start selling tokens. They can change their vision and strategies. Securix has a real product, and we need to maintain equipmentfor token holders to maximize performance. So, following the road map is crucial for Securix, as the interest of the founders is the same as for all the rest! They are also holders of tokens and want to receive a stable income from the crypto currency mining using the company's internal capacities.

  • There is no clear future vision

Extraction of the crypto currency is a really promising, rapidly developing segment, which today attracts a huge number of people. Securix has a clear vision - to maximize the volume of tokens due to reinvestment and a coin purchase program, which provides the maximum return on investment for token owners.

  • Hidden cost structure

So far, competitors are using net profit based on netto. As a token holder, you pay the costs. It is unclear what these costs are, since they are not disclosed. Their approach is unique. We have a gross income! No hidden costs, all risks and costs immediately negotiated with customers. This approach allows us to act extremely honestly and transparently, excluding fraud.

  • Lack of communication after ICO

Many companies that intend to use fraudulent schemes immediately lose contact with customers after the sale of the tokens. We constantly make news updates for customers.


The initial investment in the project was 250,000 USD;
The signed contract on the location of equipment;
The signed deal for the renewal of electricity 7 MW;
The website is active, everyone can read the official information about the project.


Website: https://www.securix.io/
WhitePaper: https://securix.io/wp/Securix_Whitepaper_onepager_GB.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/securixio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/securixio
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/securixmarketing/

Author: SanZoldyck

My BitCointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1045517;sa=summary

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