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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

ARTCOIN | The Future of the global art industry

Art is not only beautiful works of art, but also a multi-million dollar business. In cases where a painting or any other work of art is recognized as a masterpiece, its value at auction soars to the skies. In General, there are huge amounts of spinning and of course the whole industry attracts scammers.

Many art lovers spend millions of dollars to collect entire collections consisting exclusively of world-renowned masterpieces. But often it happens that purchased at some auction for big money picture is not worth anything and is a fake.

According to experts, today about half of all masterpieces sold in international markets are fake. They look very similar to the original, so it can be very difficult to determine. Also, according to experts in the largest world-famous museums to date, about 20 % of the masterpieces are cheap plagiarism.

One of the most frequently counterfeited artists in the world is Pablo Picasso, today wanted more than 600 of his paintings. In the Russian Federation, the most popular counterfeiting is considered Aivazovsky.

Every year from fraud in the industry suffer hundreds of collectors, they suffer huge losses, which sometimes pass thousands of millions of dollars. This is because today there is no such system in the world that could digitally determine in a split second whether the picture in front of you or a fake.

In the old days, people who determined the authenticity of works of art, had to do it manually and for a long time. This is a very laborious and tedious work, when you have to study the canvas for hours, identify the directions of strokes and compare them with the style of famous artists. But it also did not always help, as the most skilled counterfeiters could exactly recreate a copy of the masterpiece, down to the smallest details and strokes. With the development of technology began to appear special devices that can automatically verify the authenticity. But this does not always help, as such equipment costs a lot of money and not all art galleries can afford it.

All these problems prompted the developers of THE artcoin project to the idea of creating a unique platform by combining the most advanced technologies of recent years to combat counterfeiting in the field of art.

ARTCOIN is a platform solution on the blockchain, with the help of which it will be possible to create and enter into a common database digital DNA of absolutely any work of art. All this became possible thanks to the symbiosis of several technologies, now each owner of the original work will be assigned a biometric passport of the author. All this is able to solve all existing problems with plagiarism and forgery, the world gets indispensable tools and a common database of all existing works that will be stored without the possibility of editing in one place. This will not leave a chance for all sorts of scammers and destroy their business.

ARTCOIN will work on the principle of a biometric passport. The whole procedure will be very simple and will not require any special skills from users:

First, the user must install the ARTCHAINAPP application. Then make a simple verification and enter your data, buy tokens of the ARS ecosystem, it is necessary to download the scanned work into a common database and assign it to the owner. After all these simple steps, the user will simply have to point your phone to the product and scan it, the program saves it in the database along with the user's fingerprints. This procedure will take only a couple of minutes, but with a minimum of effort and money, now no one will be able to assign a downloaded object to the database and sell it. In addition, the owner of the picture can also be installed in a matter of seconds, just pointing your smartphone at the picture and scanning it with the application ARTCHAINAPP.

The main goal of the project is to eradicate fraud in the art industry, eliminate substandard works, identify the authors of absolutely all works in the world, supporting all this with a biometric passport of the owner. I mean, I'm not sure where they're gonna find the fingerprint of Picasso and other long-dead artists, but I think it's just gonna say that the author is Picasso and you're gonna fake that picture. This is good and the fact that the authors of the paintings will be able to receive a decent reward for the rights of the owner, that is, no one else will be able to arrange exhibitions with other people's paintings and receive a fee, this will require the author's permission. Now the author of the picture will be able to receive income from each resale of his work, before he was rewarded only once when he sold the picture for example to some gallery and its further fate was decided at the discretion of Resellers. With ARTCOIN, the rights of the owner of the work of art are fixed forever, that is, even after the death of the author, scanning his paintings will instantly show his data and the history of painting, which is also important for future generations of art lovers.

ARTCOIN is really a very interesting and necessary project for all mankind, which is a good chance for all artists of the world to write themselves in history forever and make good money. In addition, it is a kind of collector, where artists and collectors will find each other. In the future, the project may expand the scope of activities and users will be able to license anything. The project has high ratings, a professional team of developers and reliable partners. In General, the topic is very interesting, for more detailed information you can follow the links below.

**The uniqueness of the text 100**% - https://text.ru/antiplagiat/5cb4b51cb9ac8

My BitcoinTalk - goldenbitC : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2042706
ETH: 0xD344c4841ddEE38f6aD75576ee031A7be1570ef1

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