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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


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Welcome my dear subscribers.Although the week is very difficult, but I have prepared you all the same review.And so today we will consider an interesting and very promising project.Atlas Platform is a universal blockchain development platform developed exclusively for Nocoiners. The platform combines simplicity and reliability, as well as encourages the introduction of basic technologies through already known marketing Internet processes, such as e-mail. ATLAS https://atlasplatform.org/ is a powerful and flexible blockchain development platform designed for people who need access to simple, decentralized and accessible tools. The developers themselves call their project as a performance platform, and its main features are free access to decentralized tools and services and pre-built smart contracts "at a click distance".

The platform uses three main decentralized tools that will allow everyone to understand the very essence of cryptocurrencies:
Powerful mail client support.
The development of the block chain.
Smart contracts.
Atlas is your personal email encryption assistant.

About 54% of the world's population has access to e-mail, and this is a fairly large number that goes well with the resources of decentralized cryptocurrency, which in turn offers unlimited opportunities to promote any ICO project.

Non-technical users, Nocoiners are people from developing countries, like any other, can take advantage of an intuitive tool such as atlas – your trusted crypto Secretary.

With atlas you can:
Send / receive transactions directly from your email.
Checking your balance is as easy as reading your mail.
Check your recent transactions.
The principle of operation of the project:
Almost all cryptocurrency traders agree that decentralized exchanges are the future of cryptocurrency and digital asset trading. They are transparent, reliable and independent compared to their centralized partners, despite the fact that decentralized compromise is inferior in speed, user experience, trading operations, etc.

DecentraX is another powerful tool of this platform, a decentralized exchange rate on the optimized side chain, working on specialized nodes (Masternode), which will provide high bandwidth transitions and solutions to the problems of participation in debt operations. The launch of a dedicated Masternode will be stimulated by collecting exchange fees.

About the token of the project and the conditions of the ICO:
No more than 100 000 000 Atlas tokens will be issued, including 85 000 000 for ICO, 3 000 000 for airdrop distribution. 7 000 000 tokens will be split between the founders of the Atlas platform and is locked in for 6 months. Atlas (ATPL) is the fuel for the entire ecosystem of the platform, resulting in demand for ATPL correlated with the discovery and use of the services provided by the network. ATPL tokens are used to pay transaction fees and as a tool to transfer the value of an ongoing transaction among Atlas market participants. The Atlas block is based on the STRATIS algorithm, which today is one of the most reliable among all cryptographic tokens. Atlas is officially a PoF-of-Stake PoS token. The Atlas consensus model is not a mining that requires a huge amount of resources, but a PoS that allows users to bet on some of the available funds aimed at block solution, as well as placing a bet. The ATPL token is the default base for DecetraX. All of these trading pairs will vary in dollars in relation to the ATPL.
The beginning of a Token Sale: may 12, 2018
Token Sale ends: June 15, 2018
The name of the token – ATPL
Currencies accepted: BTC, ETH, LTC, BCH
Minimum purchase: 0.1 ETH
Soft Cap: 250 000 USD
Hard Cap: 10 000 000 USD

Road map:
3 quarts 2017 - 1 quarter 2018 - the birth of the idea, development of blockchain and Protocol scheme, demonstration and example of use.
2nd quarter 2018-launch of the company, development and presentation of Whitepaper and the main concept of ICO, bounty and referral campaign, token distribution and listing on the exchange exchange.
Q3 2018-launch of the beta version of Atlas private TestNet, launch of atlas Web private beta with p2p Protocol on TestNet.
The 4th quarter of 2018 - access to Testnet, public beta-test platforms, the conclusion of partnership agreements at key events in the world of cryptocurrencies.
1st quarter 2019 – launch of atlas MaiNet, the add-on Gmail or ProtonMail, the conference Atlas Blockchain Dapp.
Q2 2019-coverage of the most popular money transfer operators, mainstream marketing and branding Atlas.
3rd quarter 2019 – the launch of awareness-raising campaigns DecentraX MasterNode, integration of web applications Chrome in the atlas, the launch of the wallet.
The 4th quarter of 2019 is the first stage of partnership with money transfer operators and the first steps in the BaaS market.
More info:
Web: https://atlasplatform.org/
ANN Thread: http://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3206927
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lasplatform
Telegram: https://www.atlasplatform.org/telegram.html
Author: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1725951

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