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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



The introduction of the blockchain technology and the use of cryptocurrencies have over the years yielded some reasonable results when it comes to financial transactions, payment methods as well as Data management . Although this technology has great features which can attract a lot of individuals and organizations to it by the day, yet only a few percentage of the world’s population have embraced this innovative technology.

The cause of this slow adoption can be attributed to several challenges associated with some blockchain based projects which Atronocom has been designed to solve, such as:

Inability to convert cryptocurrency to Fiats and transfer to local bank accounts.

Lack of adequate security for investor’s funds and personal data; this has cause a lot of crypto investors to lose their assets to cyber criminals and their personal information stolen by hackers.

Lack of real life usage of cryptocurrencies in paying for goods and services in real life: people keep wondering how to make use of cryptocurrencies in real life such as purchasing goods from a grocery shop or paying for services using cryptocurrrency.

complicated platform : users, mostly newbies find it difficult to access some blockchian based project and be a part of it due to difficulty in understanding the operations of such platforms. ATRONOCOM has been designed to handle these.


Considering the above mentioned challenges hindering full adoption of blockchain and the use of cryptocurrencies, a team of seasoned professionals and experienced men and women in blockchain technology , finance and related field have decided to leverage on the features of the blockchain technology to create ATRONOCOM as a secure, Decentralized , Transparent, safe and trusted platform which will offer users a unique experience in social media chatting, financial transaction and Exchange, as well as secure and anonymous payment method.

However, Atronocom is designed as a public distributed ledger where Decentralized Applications can be built, and a DPos algorithm which gives opportunity for users to easily stake their coins using a mobile phone . : https://www.atronocom.io/

Although there are so many projects springing up by the day , trying to solve one problem or the other, Atronocom is not just another project on the blockchain, but one with some unique features that will definitely transform not just the cryptoworld but the world’s economy at large. Some of the unique features include but not limited to:

An Application with a user friendly interface for crypto banking using a mobile phone.

The ability for users to stake their coins/tokens and grow their wealth using Atronocom DApp.

The issuance of credit card to users which they will use for fund transactions anywhere around the world.

A Decentralized Exchange where users can trade their different cryptocurrencies against others and against Fiat currency.

A communication messenger App where users can securely communicate with another user without the fear of
personal informant and chats being compromised by hackers. Atronocom messaging chatting is safe and fast.

OTC trading using Atronocom secures DApp in a mobile phone. With Atronocom , users can take their crypto assets anywhere in the world just by operating a smart phone .

The creation of both IOS and Android version of An Application gives Atronocom an edge over other existing platforms where users can only access features using the web. : https://www.atronocom.io/

Atronocom team has chosen to use Simple Agreement on future Token(SAFT) as their method of raising funds to develop the platform, with SAFT , the team has decided not to generate tokens until the business platform is ready. According to the team, Atronocom will not conduct any ICO, unlike other projects; the project development will not depend on whether or not they have reached softcap or hardcap. This is one of the things that make Atronocom a unique project that is bound to succeed and meet its timeline. : https://www.atronocom.io/

The team behind Atronocom project has really exhibited their intelligence by creating a platform such as this. the multi- functional nature of Atronocom DApp use in trading , payment, social messenger ,exchange of crypto for Fiats , the bank debit card for fund transfer and withdrawal as well as other features that have not been mentioned here will contribute to the transformative mission of Atronocom to the cryptoworld as well as the global financial system.
Be that as it may, since this article cannot capture all the great features of this project, I advise readers to also read Atronocom white paper https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5c366c5c222a7c0a12d289bf/5c44ba87e00656c57792fe31_Atronocom-English%20WP-min%20(1).pdf and website: https://www.atronocom.io/ for more updates and comprehensive information concerning this one of its kind’s project on the blockchain.

For regular updates please make use of these links below:
Website: https://www.atronocom.io/
Whitepaper: https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5c366c5c222a7c0a12d289bf/5c44ba87e00656c57792fe31_Atronocom-English%20WP-min%20(1).pdf
Crowdsale: https://tokensale.atronocom.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/My_Atronocom_World
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Atronocom1
Ann thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5119929
Authour’s btt profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1760015;sa=summarya8
Authour’s name: nesbee2

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