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5 лет назад

AUDT Token - World's First Continuous Assurance

Auditchain is the founding member of DCARPE Alliance, an accounting, audit and fiscal reporting consortium that's directing the evolution of DCARPE Assurance and Disclosure Protocol. Each enterprise is validated by a network of CPAs and also Chartered Accountants that are associates at the DCARPE Alliance's assurance group.

Auditchain is leading the development of the world’s first decentralized continuous audit and real-time financial reporting protocol ecosystem for digital asset and enterprise assurance and disclosure. Auditchain enables continuous external validation of enterprise system and control, financial data and disclosure control environments by a network of CPAs and Chartered Accountants

Even the AUDT Token is absorbed through staking by subscribers to detailed audit analytics, CPAs, Chartered Accountants, providers of enterprise applications and service providers as well as businesses along with realtime financial statement line item detail throughout the DCARPE Explorer.

The AUDT Token There are just two 250,000,000 Tokens that are AUDT but just 160,000,000 will probably likely soon be designed for flow. 100 Enterprises on the system may get rid of a substantial amount of distribution when coupled using enterprise applications EEVs and providers in addition to contributors to the DCARPE Explorer. Auditchain released information on its AUDT Token Economics. AUDT Token to Govern Real-Time Financial Reporting Platform and World's First Gamified Continuous Assurance

AUDT Token IEO Launches Tuesday, July 23 at 09:00 UTC

Timing: July 23 09:00 UTC– August 6 09:00 UTC
Token price: $0.20 USD
Tokens for sale: 1,000,000 AUDT
Accepted payment methods: BTC, ETH, USDC, EUR

To get more detailed info about auditchain, please visit some of the sites below

Website: https://auditchain.com/
Whitepaper: https://auditchain.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Auditchain-Whitepaper.pdf
AnnThread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5152521.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/auditchain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/auditchain/
Telegram: https://t.me/Auditchain_Community
Blog: https://auditchain.com/blog/


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