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5 лет назад

Bcnex [ Trading Platform Thats Give You A Big Profits ]

•Excecutive Summary
Dear our article fellow of Bcnex
I am proud can to participate in a big event organized by the Bcnex Trading Platform .I like to thank the team and management for the hard work that has been shown to provide the best service to the people to achieve great success in this event. once again thank you to Bcnex and all the team management.
With by Using blockhain technology, Bcnex is a fast, accurate, and low latency trading platform with flexible scalability that can handle up to 2,000,000 orders per second. And with this speed, Bcnex will be able to complete all orders given to complete all your trade transactions. this is an advanced technology owned by Bcnex to provide the best service to its users.
All Bcnex Microsoft service architectures intend to provide balance, which is equipped with a different wallet combination. This principle contributes to providing the highest security for users, and for avoiding hacking globally.

Bcnex is a trading platform that is very popular at the moment. Therefore there have been many investors and users who have participated in TokenSal e events or ICO events held. And Bcnex is proud of this great community. And the current program is a Whitelist program for investors, as an expression of thanks from Bcnex for investors by giving a $ 20 bonus that will be added to the XRP wallet owned by investors from Bcnex, and liquidated at the official exchange launched which is scheduled for the end of July 2019.

Therefore, because the ICO program will end in less than 7 days, Bcnex is proud to thank and congratulate investors and all users who have participated in making a success this event. Because Bcnex is a large community, namely the community towards a successful future. And besides that, Bcnex still opens opportunities for every investor and user who wants to add BCNX tokens in your pocket before the event ends in less than 7 days. So, this is a good opportunity to add Bcnx tokens, before it's too late.

And as for the arrangement of the Whitelist program, which will be held as follows:

  • Provided an additional bonus of up to $ 20% for the first 200 investors who buy Bcnx tokens, using BTC, USDT or BCN. And this event will start at 00.00.00 (GMT-7), on 26/06/2019. So if you think this is a good opportunity, then don't miss this opportunity before it's too late.
    But remember, the $ 20 bonus will be added to your XRP competitor and can be liquidated at the launch of the Bcnex rummy market in late July.

Please participate in the Whitelist by filling out the form below:
Please register using the following Form: https://forms.gle/tdgU1rGZnhB9aoAF6
The minimum investment required is $ 100 (equivalent to BTC / USDT / BCN)

Token type : ERC223
Tokens Price : $ 0.15 - $ 0.45
Total Supply : 200,000,000
Soft Cap : $ 2,000,000
Hard Cap : $ 15,000,000
Minimum investment : $ 100
Minimum Investors (Angel Investors) : $ 5000
Received Currency : BTC, ETH, BCN, USDT.
And unsold tokens will burn.

• Token Distribution

• RoadMap

• Team

• Advisors

All right..Dear our beloved friends of Bcnex, up here explaination about this project from me..
And I hope you like to reading …thanks

Need More Information About Bcnex Project ????
Visit,Please :
WEBSITE: www.bcnex.net
White Paper : https://www.bcnex.net/docs/BCNEX_WP_ENG.pdf
OnePager : https://www.bcnex.net/docs/Onepage.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/Bcnex_Official
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/bcnex.net/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bcnex_net
Reddit: www.reddit.com/user/Bcnex_Official
Medium: https://medium.com/@bcnex
Instagram: www.instagram.com/bcnex/
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/bcnexholdings/



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