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6 лет назад

"DEALJOY" Earn crypto by shopping online! ICO LIVE!

To buy and still on it to earn ?! About ten years ago, the Russians did not even think about it. But this practice of "earnings" in advanced countries has long existed and is successfully applied. DEALJOY - a project that is ready to fill the purse with ringing cryptonyms when making online purchases.

In fact, the Finnish project Dealjoy, absolutely not new (the idea for the present time, the order, beaten), but at the same time it is also something "new". Developers beaten and megapopular idea in the West "Earn, buying", frankly, modified to cryptrend. Yes, now the phat keshek is gradually disappearing into the past, and in its place it is solemnly entered thanks to the "broad gesture" of the project Dealjoy - kriptoksbek. This is, without a doubt, the "sweet" patty, which attracts millions of Alice around the world. Would not you like, having made a dreamed purchase in an online store, increase enthusiasm in the form of a "fallen" cashback? Only in the form of crypts. And only "in a mask". In the sense that developers simplify the scheme of online purchases so much that they even retain absolute anonymity of the actions of their users-buyers. And this "threatens" with the notorious security of users of the Dealjoy platform.

Yes, as already noted, the project is simple. And by and large, it will represent a huge ecosystem, on the platform of which sellers and buyers will meet. The developers are negotiating with the famous players of the world market: AliExpress, Nike, Ebay, iTunes, etc. They secured their support in the form of placement of outlets from the giants of online sales on the "cryptobazaar." Only now the "online market" order is improved. At least, its placement on the blockbuster "Efirium." Accordingly, the internal coin of the project Dealjoy received the standard ERC-20. And the name DEAL. Uncomplicated, but also it is fine. Us, shoppers, the main simplicity, convenience, speed, variety ... And if there is also kriptoksbek, than no one before Dealjoy was not engaged, then generally kryptorai for the holy shopper.

Yes, by the way, and the visual of the project is also quite simple: a mobile application with an intuitive interface in which the decentralized platform automatically finds the vendor necessary for the user, and when making a secure transaction using a smart contract, the cashback in the platform tokens instantly enters the buyer's account. Accordingly, the availability of DEAL (s) allows you to get benefits and "benefits" from the online shopping platform in the form of instant and increased cashbacks, the fastest processing of orders and access to premium deals ... Sounds, frankly, not bad.

And, judging by the fact that the project's hardcase is only $ 8.4 million USD, the probability of crypto-processing on shopping is no longer relative, but quite on the horizon. Yes, the DEAL token sales team has been launching since the end of September.

But the mobile application Dealjoy can already be downloaded. Available versions on iOS and Android.
Well, after the production, the platform will already take shape, and the world of online shopping will "cryptically change." Until the end of 2019, analyzing the "Road Map" of the project, the team is ready to hold thousands of negotiations and launch on the platform about another thousand Internet marketers.

Of course, we have not yet told about the advanced advantage of the future "crypto-database" from Dealjoy. And its introduction into online sales will definitely shift the "continents-oceans" of online marketing, at least, degrees to ninety. Users of the "paradise" ecoplatform will be able not only to make purchases with ease, paying with DEAL coins, but also to provide a minimum of personal information to sellers: "stop" the preservation of personal information and payment systems. Perhaps this "smacks" of the revolution in the crypto-bank. But with such a revolution - all will remain in the black: there will be no losers - neither as among the sellers, nor as among the buyers. Everyone - with his winnings.

Dealjoy https://dealjoy.io - will change the view on commodity-money relations. Buy more - and earn more. Down with speculation, henceforth decentralized and open cryptography. Summarizing, the mission of the project can be imagined as follows.

Website : https://dealjoy.io
Whitepaper: https://dealjoy.io/files/Dealjoy_Whitepaper.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/dealjoyofficial
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Dealjoy
Telegram : https://t.me/dealjoy
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4631237.0
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/Dealjoy/
Btt profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1888883

diimazavr https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1080044

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