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6 лет назад


Hello dear friends, subscribers and guests of my Golos blog. Today i wanna tell you about RATEONIUM - https://rateonium.com/.
Today, a lot of people also use the rating and trust system, but it happens mostly in the global Internet. When you, for example, going on a trip choosing a hotel you go to special reviewers sites. They include ratings, reviews of experienced guests describing the quality of service or, in general, whether they liked this hotel. Relying on them, you can make for yourself some positive conclusions, or prepare yourself for the worst scenario. This is just one example of our modern life. But such platforms are used not only by travelers, but also by other spheres of business. As the statistics show, 85% of consumers trust online reviews, but this does not give any guarantees that the reviews are genuine, and the lack of a reward system can lead to negative reviews altogether. Many do not even dare leave a response, because of their employment or there is a lack of confidence in the sufficient anonymity and safety of the collected data.

In this article I want to acquaint you with the platform Rateonium, which offers its multilateral solution among the rating platforms. This network, based on Blockchain technology, has been developed over the last 4 years in various sectors of the economy. It offers a true rating system to all client groups, providing anonymous feedback with subsequent reward for them. Global partner companies and numerous language options allow you to use it in any world.

Companies that start working with Rateonium pay a monthly fee and are equipped with card readers. The price of a monthly subscription depends on the number of participating branches (for large companies, there is no possibility of participation entirely, only branches, to eliminate imbalances). From the second month the price is determined by the number of users. Such a solution will allow large companies not to completely dominate small businesses. This will lead to a fair market situation and the interest of large companies in obtaining good feedback will force them to stimulate their users by encouraging them with various reward programs.

By downloading the application, each user will find his own statistics displayed in real time, an account, the history of his operations, Geo search, showing in the district companies cooperating with the project. Upon completion of registration, the user is available a system purse and individual assignments available all over the world. For each quality tip, paying tokens, which can be exchanged for various services of those representatives with whom Rateonium cooperates. For example, you left a response, received a reward and using a special card, use it as a discount when you go to a movie or you can order an extra dinner on the same trip boarding an airplane. The card is issued to all ICO members for free or after sales it can be purchased for 20 Euro.

The feedback provided by you is downloaded to the system not immediately, but according to an accidental algorithm. The whole process turns out to be anonymous and after checking by the system, the coins are generated, after which the last ones are sent to your wallet. The platform will have its own rating system, the better your feedback, the higher it will be. It already becomes clear that a bad review left by someone will not have any value for the user. Blockchain. This includes anonymity, protection of confidential data, security, fast transaction speed, the reliability of the entire system is not subject to centralization and data changes, the absence of any kind of fraud. Marketing. Positive, reliable reviews for small and large enterprises. This parameter will affect the rating of many companies around the world. Benefit for users and traders. For the first use of various discounts in different sectors of economic services, for the second possibility of speculation with a coin for profit. Scalability. After beta testing, the project will be used in 52 countries. Early Access. ICO participants have the opportunity to test the platform in action before others, having previously converted some of the RTC tokens into an RTO token. Plus, there is a card for using the system from anywhere in the world.

The project has two tokens Rateonium (RTO) and Ratec (RTC). Both have the standard ERC20. But their difference is significant.

RTO is directly used on the platform and should be used only within the network. It will be received by users as a reward and used for exchange for various services. The RTO will be generated with each new recall, when the award is exchanged for a token, incineration will occur to counteract inflation within the system.

RTC will be available during sales. It is completely speculative and can be exchanged for a platform token. Token ticker: RTC.
Total number: 801.703.971 RTC.
Date of main sales: August 25 September 25, 2018.
Soft cap: 32.000 ETH.
Hard cap: 84.234 ETH.
Price: 0.000182 ETH. (during sales there are various discounts).

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