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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Often I ask myself where and where the world will go without blockchain technology and this question makes me return to the way humans live their lives before the advent of blockchain technology. Before blockchain technology, everything was very difficult and transaction processing between two parties was very slow.

Cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency exchanges have been around for a long time, allowing the community to identify a number of weaknesses that exist in its foundation. Apart from not all efforts to maintain reputation, the stock exchange regularly presents shockingly unpleasant surprises in the form of loss of funds, regular hacker attacks, frozen accounts, and so on. Many of these market representatives in their own way solve existing problems, but no one can solve them comprehensively on one platform.

VeraExchange is a completely new look at crypto currency exchange, which takes into account all errors from existing solutions.

VeraExchange is preparing to solve all the main problems that are usually faced by cryptocurrency exchanges. The most significant are:

  • The trading interface is confusing and unfriendly;
  • Chart where no information is needed.

Many beginner traders know this: scary to worry about. VeraExchange will eliminate the inconveniences and fluctuations that they may have, and, finally, you can stop looking for exchanges that will meet all the needs of the trade.

The future of cryptocurrency exchanges will appear on trading platforms, because that solves most problems. The developers will provide an impressive set of utilities that you can choose from the trade tab, as well as an informative and educational part about the world of cryptocurrency, a comfortable user interface and many other great additions that will make your trading process more comfortable and useful for you.

In addition, the difference between the VeraExchange platform and others is before ST, which you will learn below.

Safe and stable:
If you are looking for a trading platform that promotes security and cost savings, VeraExchange will be the most suitable option. As one of the strong development platforms, VeraExchange acts as a decentralized trading platform without having bank partners or relying on financial management institutions.

Easy to use
Easy to use, simple and effective interface. This floor has a high processing speed for reloading with lower transaction processing costs than most other exchanges. In addition, they will also have online support services to resolve transaction difficulties and respond to customer questions quickly and efficiently.

Supports many different digital currencies
This trading platform will support the exchange of most digital currencies today such as BTC, ETH, ... along with many digital currencies running on other ERC20 platforms.

Strong structure for high transaction volumes
They hope to handle more than 1,000,000 transactions per second. Thus, almost VeraExchange has no trading volume limits, allowing each individual and organization to participate regardless of whether the volume is large or small.

About tokens
Our VeraExchange Token Tokens are designed to serve a new trend in the world of electronic money: IEO. The more tokens stored in the wallet during that time, the more money the IEO will buy during the sale. We strive to keep the processing speed of our servers fast enough so that people don't experience delays in this fast token service.




The VeraExchange project, which will change the fundamental fundamentals of cryptocurrency exchange, using this platform, millions of users can confidently entrust their funds and personal data to VeraExchange, because they will be protected reliably.

To learn more about this project. Please visit the link below:

Website: https://www.veraexchange.com/ICOVera.html
Whitepaper: https://www.veraexchange.com/files/whitepaper_v10.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/exchange_vera?lang=en
Telegram: http: //t.me/VEraExchange

Author: Mikdad1018
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2343017
My ETH: 0xa0Dd5e96cBaC80AB89F76fdcF6269100330B2318

0.480 GOLOS
На Golos с March 2019
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