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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

AIR WALLET || The Gold Standard Of Airdrops

As a rule, the presence of some weaknesses in a particular wallet can suddenly cross out all the advantages in it. And you will agree that it's not fun to have problems with your wallet when you have some money stored there ?!

But unfortunately, almost every type of wallet has its drawbacks, for example:

cellular wallet, although it is one type of wallet that is practical, its operation and security depends on the health of your cellphone. Because it can easily be lost, damaged or can even steal from you; +

Online wallet is also one of the most convenient to use, but its security is often unbalanced due to various phishing sites and other hacker attacks;

A hardware wallet is actually considered the safest type of wallet that can't be hacked. But to work with it is quite difficult and long. Because all actions to enter and withdraw their digital assets require too much time.

After considering in detail all the characteristics of each individual wallet, the specialist team came to the conclusion that it was necessary to create a wallet that would combine high transaction speeds, high security, and even ease of use. Moreover, they developed it. And today I will be happy to tell you.


AIR WALLET is a cellular cryptocurrency wallet platform that focuses on simplifying Airdrops while creating visibility for blockchain services and token projects. AIR WALLET fully complies with KYC and aims to introduce new and current token holders to token projects by making the registration process and Airdrop acceptance much easier. AIR WALLET aims to solve current problems in this industry to help assist in market growth, build authentic communities for tokens projects, while creating a comfortable platform taking into account our users.

AIR WALLET aims to become the leading platform by connecting cryptocurrency with the economy and creating case use real life. By combining smart post sharing platforms with e-commerce, AIR WALLET will present a Marketplace where this token economy operates.

The Airdrop market is worth millions of dollars in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. With Airdrop provided by almost every ICO project, ICO has collected more than 6.6 billion USD this year alone. These projects are categorized and spread across 28 different industries throughout the world.

With so many ICOs and innovative platforms in every industry, there is still no focus on becoming an Airdrop platform. Airdrops are seen as a way to get tokens, which have value once the project is registered on the Exchange. However, the current procedure to get it needs to be simplified.

Allocation of Bounty and Airdrop is the standard for each project, resulting in a large collection of assets that can be collected.

Comparing the global total population with the current number of cryptocurrency holders, it is clear that this industry is still in its infancy. There is still huge untapped potential to bring the general population to the crypto world and help increase market capitalization.

AIR WALLET creates an indispensable bridge between People, Airdrops, and Host Projects by giving them an easier way to interact with each other.

We recognize the potential and strength of Airdrops; connecting people to projects and helping the blockchain industry grow.

Design features

Many of you may have the question "what is access to Airdrops"?! In fact, this type of ICO company promotion is very productive and useful, allowing you to shape around the additional user projects you might be interested in. At the same time, it brings additional benefits to the participants who take part in it. Therefore, airdrops are an integral part of the entire cryptocurrency market. But as practice shows, many users refuse to participate in airdrops because of the fact that they are too complex and too much time. AIRWALLET eliminates this problem and allows users with just one click to join any air burst. All you need to do is choose the project that you like and click participate, after that the AIR system will do all the routine work for you. What I think is very comfortable!

In addition, by using this participation method in airdrops, AIRWALLET will give its users access to the most promising blockchain platforms without having to leave the wallet itself. Everything will be available in one place, and most importantly, you can immediately buy a promising token from any project.

How it works


When a company wants to seek further recognition of their project or product, social media marketing is an inevitable step towards the success of the company. Through AIR WALLET, companies can request assistance from individuals on the AIR WALLET platform, by offering prizes in return for marketing outreach. Just fill in the information you want to spread on social media and set the amount of the budget for that marketing campaign. Shortly thereafter, users on the AIR WALLET platform will start telling others about your company, product, or service, on their personal social media channels.

ICO details

The AIRWALLET team believes that they need tokens to develop their platform, which will contribute to the growth and promotion of their ideas. To do this, they are ready to offer their markers - AIR. In total, one billion coins will be released for sale, the initial cost is 0.06 US dollars. At the end of public sales, the developers of this wallet planned to collect Hard Cap in the amount of $ 5 million.

Distribution of tokens and funds are as follows:



Q4 2018

Asia Roadshow

Application. Launch Demo

Strategic Partnership

Smart Contract Testing

Wallet Test

Application. Launch

List of IEOs

Q1 2019

Multi-Language Support

Airdrop Swap

Payment system

Integration of the Blockchain Platform

Shop Layout dApp

Q2 2019

DApp Store integration

Layout of AIR Pool Services

International Business Developers.

Mainnet Development

ATM Integration

Offline payment.

Above you can see a road map - how the team sees their closest and long-term future.



AIRWALLET's ideas are very interesting and unusual. This captivates me with the fact that the wallet itself is equipped with additional features and tools that allow you to exclude the use of various resources simultaneously, because all the most important can be found here. And this once again reduces the cost of my time, which is almost never enough.

Therefore, I think this idea will be appreciated by many crypto activists, especially those who like the airdrops project. That's all I have. If you are interested in getting to know the project in more detail, I offer you a list of all the official project resources, where you can find everything you need.

Thus the information that I can provide, may be useful and can be used as reference material.


WEBSITE: https://airwalletofficial.com/

BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5072661.0

WHITEPAPER: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PjYc0UkV0SPpMPP63nAVfxbhtTO7bq-Z/view

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/airwalletofficial

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/myairwallet

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/AirWallet

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/myairwallet/

MY PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=979957

ETH: 0x953F263907B8Abb79CC58a55968601BD6dB029a7

0.371 GOLOS
На Golos с August 2018
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