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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

20 million usd transfer in BTC

Over the past day bitcoin whales transferred about $ 20 million in BTC
User Whale Alert in his Twitter reports that over the past day Bitcoin whales have made several large transfers to and from cryptocurrency exchanges.
The first transfer from an unknown wallet was made to the Coinbase exchange. On March 3, the user sent 721 BTC (about $ 2.8 million).
The second major transfer, which amounted to 1870 BTC or $ 7.19 million, the user made already on March 4th. The funds went from the Poloniex exchange to an unknown wallet. Later, under this tweet, a comic comment appeared that the alts season was canceled.
The third transfer was made a few hours ago. 1012 and BTC or more than $ 3.8 million went to the Japanese stock exchange BitFlyer.
A little later two more large transfers from the Bitstamp exchange to unknown wallets were recorded. The first amount is 869 BTC ($ 3.2 million), the second is 945 BTC ($ 3.5 million).
Judging by the fact that for these days, Bitcoin has lost about 2.5% of the cost, it can be assumed that the committed transactions could affect this. Following the main cryptocurrency, the altcoin market also suffers, and a more serious one.

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