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6 лет назад

Beaxy - innovations in crypto-exchange!

Cryptocurrency market has an incredible potential which keeps on growing. However, its users often get confused as they cannot cope with the imminent changes.

In 2017 cryptocurrency emerged as a manifest of the economical and technological revolution. It just came out of blue. Now the daily cryptocurrency trading volume is about $12 bln.

The total crypto-currency market capitalization has already exceeded $500 bln. Thus, hundreds of altcoins  have emerged in various crypto-exchanges. Such a rapid development attracts institutional investors and government regulators as cryptocurrencies are currently forming a new economic order. Crypto market keeps extending, but crypto-trading becomes more and more complicated (even for experienced investors).

In addition, a lot of ICO startups appear as a response to a new technological era presuming innovative solutions in various business domains. A lot of green companies are tempted to get millions for their business development in just a couple of minutes as many successful startups have already done.

The cryptocurrency hype is still going on. However, crypto-trading itself leaves much to be desired. Particularly, investors usually aren’t able to quickly find the services needed as the investment tools are scattered around different platforms. Yet some platforms allow users to get Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and altcoins via credit cards.

But altcoins are still hard to obtain. Altcoins exchanges usually have awful customer service or even lack it. Sometimes investors can’t pay off the service or monitor their assets. Finally, crypto-exchanges constantly face system security challenges and that’s why hackers steal coins from users’ cryptowallets. And… here comes Beaxy.

The Beaxy project

Today, most users are frustrated by a slow exchange transfer. Transactions may take days, weeks, or even months. By the time the assets arrive on a user's account, the trading chance is gone. Beaxy announces "instant credits" providing users with assets for a fast and successful trade.

Beaxy will be a new “shop” meeting cryptocurrency users’ needs in trading. Beaxy has new technologies providing high transaction performance: hundreds of thousands of orders will be carried out in a millisecond.

The Beaxy interface will be easy and intuitive giving a perfect UX as its developers are determined to create a convenient, safe and universal platform which helps to purchase cryptocurrency. Putting simply, they plan to make cryptocurrency as accessible as fiat money.

Besides, Beaxy is developing financial tutorials for all kinds of users (from novice to expert) to make them informed of  any cryptocurrency market changes.

Beaxy users will be able to trade various fiat money and cryptocurrencies on a simple and intuitive online platform. Users will pay a commission for each transaction without the subscription fees (0.20%).

In addition, Beaxy is going to issue its own tokens, and the users will be able to get some rewards  (premium accounts, referrals bonuses, loyalty programs and gain access to the platform's private tools). Moreover, Beaxy will provide 24/7 user support with an video chat.

Every registered Beaxy user will get a referral program. They will be able to earn 10% of transaction fee for contacting their friend. Those who joins the platform via the referral code will get a Platinum account (20% discount on trade fees) for 2 months. Any user will  also get a bonus for referrals.

Beaxy token (BXY) and ICO

BXY advantages:

  • Bonus Loyalty Program.  The system rewards users for buying BXY tokens. They will get 20%-profit from the amount of BXY possessed.
  • BXY payment takes you a 50%-discount.
  • Other developers will be able to upload their own apps and sell them to Beaxy users. They will get 70% profit (in tokens Beaxy) from users who have downloaded the apps.
  • Tokens can also be used for feedback on the platform.

In general, 100 million BXY tokens are planned to be issued. 60 million of them will be sold on ICO, with Beaxy ICO funded via Ethereum smart-contracts. Any unsold ICO tokens will be given to investors as a share equal to their input. 

BXY tokens pre-sale will start on June 1, 2018. The public ICO - June 15, 2018 with a duration of one month.

The Softcap is $5 mln. If the amount of money received from Softcaps sold is not enough, all assets will be refunded to the investors.The Hardcap is $30 mln. The hardcap will dramatically speed up the project roadmap.

Do not waste time, and participate in one of the most promising ICO lately - REGISTRATION

More information about the project:
Official website - https://www.beaxy.com/Registration?code=VBCHBZ6MDM
Telegram Beaxy
Bitcointalk Username: CapnBDL

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На Golos с March 2018
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