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GoWithMi Network

"Our goal is to provide access to applications such as taxis, express delivery, food delivery, room reservations, social networking and games using GoWithMi's decentralized service, which determines locations that will lead to mass distribution of blockchain in clothing, food, housing and transportation, "he said. Oliver Lee, founder of GoWithMi, In particular, he pointed out that the use of blockchain technology is similar to decentralized maps; developing countries can bypass the centralized Internet model and go directly to the landmark economy and distributed business civilization, which will allow 4 billion dividends to directly enter a new era of commercial evolution, which also allows the block to achieve a revolutionary breakthrough.


The GoWithMi Project is currently building the first complete decentralized location-based service (DLBS) infrastructure in the world.

And this platform aims to provide a complete and reliable exchange of geospatial values ​​for large-scale trade ranging from data, computing, private terminals to commercial ecology, and to create a multidimensional, safer and smarter value stream, complementing the last key component of the blockchain to empower application of the real economy.

And for users who like to do business offline business to jump into a new era of programmable business, and enter the ecology of the complete circulation of their own business in chains and outside the Turing chain.

Discover your desire in the GoWithMi consensus geospatial ecological network which consists of the production of geospatial consensus data, spatial computing power networks, geospatial asset nodes that govern themselves, and a support platform for sharing business applications.

Also the DLBS platform, super oracle, integrated map consensus, based on consensus algorithms to motivate participation and achieve benefits for everyone, cross-chain support for all blockchain platforms, one-stop support for all applications that use location-based services, so that it will enable offline business to be better.

GoWithMi innovates to create a network called (the spatial computing blockchain network Gaia), the Network of GoWithMi can be called the world's first network application as the main blockchain network, called BLOCKCHAIN ​​decentralized application designed to make it easier for users to control data returning data connecting to all users of the GoWithMi application, Super-spatial Forecast fully considers all decentralized business scenarios, based on trusted GoWIthMi spatial data sources and trusted spatial large data, providing various combinations of credible smart contract triggers for the entire ecosystem, including but not limited to: trusted locations , electronic fencing, spatial anti-fraud trajectory, trustworthy, spatial smart business, etc., updating the offline business ecosystem into a business ecosystem that can be programmed with perfect credibility. GoWithMi's sophistication cannot be doubted, therefore there are many from the middle to lower middle and upper class who use the GoWithMi application because of the ease of application and the clever intelligence of the GoWithMi.

The solution from GoWithMi, the first decentralized block chain that allows each user to connect as a node and each family of blockchain units to create a new digital community, the GoWithMi application is designed in such a way that is easy and easy to use for all applications. all over the world through Smart Devices called GoWithMi, Allows people to choose what they do with their time and improve productivity data from themselves and can improve the daily lives of people around the world, GoWithMi and the freedom to monetize it GoWithMi BLOCKCHAIN ​​helps facilitate exchange control for data around the world that is very quick and you can count on it so you don't need to worry about exchanging your personal data around the world and shorten the confidential data exchange that you have and don't need to worry about knowing because (network n blockchain computing spatial Gaia) is very transparent in the eyes of others.


The main features of the GoWithMi platform


GoWithMi will fully decentralize the core components of the Internet ecosystem geolocation service, making it a core component of the entire blockchain network, and can be freely called by various top-level applications from the Internet and the blockchain network.

The GoWithMi decentralized location-based service (DLBS) features a range of map location systems, search and request, route navigation, peripheral information and traffic search, spatial intelligent mining, etc. All data and services are run on the innovative GoWithMi in the world. first "Gaia computing blockchain network".

Gaia can consciously store complete data on the chain, consider decentralizing POWs and high EOS efficiency, access equal mining rights of all objects and be able to reject "mining pool control". As a result, leaving decentralized operations from a location-based service system will never end, monopolies no longer control the company's business lines, and that the privacy of personal tracks is no longer occupied and used without compensation.

Oracle Super Spatial

When all blockchain is applied to reality, they will face a major problem: how to connect the "untrusted" world outside the blockchain to the "trusted" world on the blockchain? This requires a "trusted gateway mechanism." GoWithMi provides a trusted gateway mechanism like that.

Super spatial forecasting GoWithMi provides a "trusted gateway mechanism" from the original blockchain and is needed for all smart contracts related to location-based services, which connect two different worlds inside and outside the chain with a "trusted" mechanism.

This can provide a trigger response from trusted location-based data for smart contracts, enabling a programmable network engine from Turing-complete, represented by Ethereum to seamlessly integrate with offline businesses, actively promote the rapid development of distributed industries related to locations such as travel sharing, tourism , food delivery, express delivery, precision positioning advertising, and behavioral credit finance, which allows offline businesses to jump into a programmable business era.

Consensus Map

In the world, there are 60% of the region and 4 billion populations still cannot enjoy the same quality map services as developed regions. The reason is that the scale of map data traditionally relies heavily on gathering global jobs, which is a high cost that even Google cannot afford.

The GoWithMi Consensus Map has taken a new approach by creating the first series of "spatial consensus mechanisms" that allow people in any corner of the world to jointly maintain "world map data books" without any threshold.

We go through the excellent design of consensus game mechanisms such as POM (Proof of Mapping) and Bancor Spatial, subversively resolving core industry map problems including cooperative production, automatic supervision and value evaluation, breaking the boundaries of human worker organizations, allowing people to be together -sama builds, maintains, and shares "world maps" without any limitations, and provides contributors with a fair return and enables people around the world to enjoy the same quality digital travel services.

Token mechanism

Double Token Design Principles

To clarify the benefits, governance, and rights of various participating roles, to facilitate the introduction of real business values, to achieve financial closure, and to effectively stimulate community contributions, GoWithMi uses GMAT and the double design of GoZone Tokens, specifically:

GMAT is a GoWithMi value, storage and incentive measurement tool, and general credentials for driving ecological construction of maps. All services on the platform are completed using GMAT for payment and settlement, and GMAT holders have the right to choose community voting related to ownership of their tokens. The total number of GMATs issued is 14.9 billion, and that will never be raised. The total number of GMAT publications sustains human habitable areas on the surface of the earth, allowing 100 GMATs to represent the economic amount of geospatial data that corresponds to 1 square kilometer that is suitable for human habitation.

GoZone is the credential for ERC-721-based virtual land rights on the GoWithMi platform. This is used to encourage geo-autonomy autonomy, internal problems and can only be purchased through offers using GMAT. Ownership of GoZone owners in the region (including operating rights and income rights), and dividends of more than 60%. Go Zone is circulated freely on the platform, with a total problem of 1 million, and will never earn.

The GoWithMi economic system is designed to build mutually beneficial and mutually beneficial economic ecology. Traditional mapping application providers use ransom prizes based on points or content to encourage users to provide data. In essence, this is a form of wages, where everyone except the company can only receive wages, not values, but the costs belong to the company. Thanks to the economic incentive mechanism developed, GoWithMi ensures that every user can participate in positive and negative games to continuously create new values, and their values are based on the preservation of digital assets that cannot be permanently changed so that each environmental builder can share values.

GMAT is a way of solving circulation in the GoWithMi environment scenario. This system has developed six basic scenario roles:

Mapper Miners.

Perform coordination games for data collection, present data to generate income, and put GMAT to get high returns.

Miners the power of space computing

In addition to equipment performance, providing spatial computing power, receiving the same revenue from mining, put the GMAT into a miner.

Users of ordinary people

Use the general map service to enjoy high-quality continuous map services caused by the prosperity of environmental data.

Commercial workers,

such as car drivers, couriers, etc., Oracle Super Spatial verifies the effectiveness of its services, smart contracts directly distribute revenue without the participation of third parties, putting GMAT as a loan agreement.

Commercial operators

This means that creators and smart contract operators based on job requests put the GMAT to get "smart contract location based templates" or to develop independent programming to make decentralized business applications, for example, stores can use smart definition contracts. locations to reach the advertising channel, and restaurants can use smart contract locations to mobilize transportation services, etc.

GoZone owners

In other words, GoZone's virtual land rights, "landlords", which have commercial rights for a number of spatial digital assets, are the basis of environmental promotion and maintenance.


The benefits of the GoWithMi application itself can be seen from such an efficient system that frees you and all those you care about to just enjoy a safe life from a smart application, this GoWithMi application can be accessed in such a way as to the wishes of its users. imagine together with this GoWithMi application, public BLOCKCHAIN applies to very good measurable and performance general-purpose applications, safer combining with Family Network Consensus, this application connects networks of users around the world through the public BLOCKCHAIN GoWithMi Device which can be called decentralized, Completing the last key component of the blockchain to empower real economic applications, cross-chain support for all blockchain platforms and allow offline businesses to jump into a new era of programmable business.



Bounty : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5097127
Whitepaper : https://www.gowithmi.com/whitepaper/index.html
Website : http://gowithmi.com/
Tewiter : https://twitter.com/GoWithMi_GL
Telegram : https://t.me/gowithmi_en

My profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=939755
ETH: 0x79ab31AD412f95e8DA691F066f27d0Bc2736aCDC

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