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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

TOQQN: A Secured Data Usage Platform

About the TOQQN Platform

TOQQN is a decentralized platform that accommodate users a little advance towards a major mission which they are looking upto giving them a protection centered and advertisement free soacial experience. Toqqn is making utilization of the web 3.0 advancements and customary in other to continue developing and developing, the Toqqn has plaaned to issue acrypto token to fund the platform and pulling in the speculators and users are been remunerated with crypto day by day through another action based ecosystem. The Toqqn guarantees that users security are been regarded and is anticipating build up an online life where no users information can be put away on the servers or platform, no users information can be track and it dosen't chase after somebody with promotions. The TOQQN plan to accommodate web based life users a decentralizing users information guaranteeing that users security are been ensured and regarded and no users information can be utilized in any crusades or some other information misuse.

Difficulties in the market

There are arrangement of difficulties been ecounter in the cryptocurrency advertise yet listed underneath are a portion of the issues which the TOQQN platform is here to address.

  1. Quality of community content: For the development and development of a community there is constantly requirement for first class that is a community substance ought to be of good quality so as to draw in a user-base that produces incredible substance that users esteem and they are participate in it.

Arrangement: The Toqqn guarantees that a helpful and provocative substance are been added to the platform so as to strategise a wide users-base. The capacity to procure compensates in crypto is a ground-breaking motivation that empowers users to remain drew in and to most likely contribute top quality substance.

  1. Withdrawals: Members are been allowed to pull back Toqqns they have obtained in seven days before on account of the cost that is been connected to each exchange that is made. The Toqqn plans to make ordinary withdrawals conceivable similarly as the technology is showing signs of improvement regular.

Arrangement: The Toqqn is here to make all withdrawals imaginable in at any rate and ordinary, making a private and secure involvement for web based life users information.

3.Decentralization: Today, decntralization has turned out to be one of the real difficulties looked by the Toqqn gathering and the present technology isn't fit enough to create a total decentralized platform.

Arrangement: The Toqqn is here to guarantee that any users information put away on the platform or servers are been evacuated and guarantee that users information are not been hacked for benefit or sold out and join the best customary and blockchain technology giving a secure platform that those not store users information on the platform.

The Toqqn Platform Token

The crypto token is named ERC20 consistent token (a subset of Ethereum.) ERC20 takes into consideration consistent combination with other decentralized application on the Ethereum blockchain, just as Smart Contract integration.Listed underneath are the portion for the token subtleties.


half is been dispersed to the users of toqqn platform.

20% is put aside for the Toqqn group

10% for Marketing, Bounties and Advisors 10% platform's future development save.

Complete supply: one billion toqqns not to be expanded.

10% to get financing - unsold toqqns to be added to platform that is put aside.


The TOQQN Platform as plan to convey crypto to masses and have chosen to issue a crypto token, so as to subsidize the platform and draw in financial specialists. This token won't just give an approach to support the platform and will likewise convey an incentive to users of the platform. Associations on the Toqqn platform will be compensated with focuses which can be exchanged for crypto token (toqqn.) and this will at last increment the estimation of the token, as interest rises which will bring new financial specialists.

For more information about thr token platform click on the links below;
Website link: https://toqqn.com
Twitter link: https://twitter.com/toqqnproject
Telegram link: https://t.me/toqqn
Medium link: https://medium.com/toqqn

Writers Details
BTT Username: Oyimeelijah
BTT link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1982524

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