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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

MYCRO - Intuitive Mobile Application For Use

The global economy is in poor condition and is characterized by high unemployment. To eradicate this problem of unemployment and financial difficulties, a reliable solution was found. Mycro Platform is the first blockchain-based project that uses Blockchain technology in other areas to eradicate unemployment in the global economy. The platform was created to address the growing financial problem resulting from mass unemployment. The Mycro Platform specializes in integrating job seekers and employers through the decentralized Blockchain system.

Mycro aims to create a sustainable innovative solution for people experiencing financial and temporary difficulties, symbolizing the imbalance between time and money ... In addition, the platform will play an important decentralized role in P2P through a user-friendly mobile application. Short-term work can be posted on the mycro network for free.

Mycro offers the following types of work:

  • Homework such as gardening, cleaning, general house cleaning and more.
  • They offer delivery services that include transportation services and much more.
  • They also offer virtual services such as online survey, administrative services, assistance services, travel planning and more.
  • They offer a qualified service that includes modeling the installation of a TV, computer repair, piano lessons, DJ work and much more.

How is payment made between employer and employee?
If an agreement is reached between both parties, the platform will provide them with a QR code, and if both parties agree on payment in cryptocurrency, the payment will be sent directly to the smart contract. In this case, both of them will not have access to money until the task is completed. After completion of the work, the employee scans the QR code of the work provider and receives payment for a "smart" contract. Users of the Mycro Platform pay only 2% for the use of the platform, unlike other platforms that charge exorbitant fees.

Why invest in the Mycro platform?
Economy Gig is one of the fastest growing sectors in the global labor market. The project involves more than 200 million people, and it is expected that in a few years their number will increase to billions. With the Mycro Platform Solution, they give people the ability to control their time and money elsewhere to improve the lives of millions of people.

Working in a decentralized system: The Mycro Platform team built the blaockchain-based intelligent contract architecture to fully achieve the goal of decentralization.
Mycro is an existing company with many years of experience, the company has more than 150 years of experience in software development and, in particular, Blockhain.

USAGE of Mycro Token

  • To purchase a job: MYO can be used to get a good position in the Employers dashboard (job purchase).
  • Rewarding: Users can receive an award in the form of MYO from the public bonus fund for an excellent rating after creating jobs,
    MYO Currency is designed to make payments for work on the platform in a safe and secure manner through an escrow-smart deposit agreement..

Why does Mycro use Blockchain technology?

Confidence: With the help of a decentralized system of evaluation and verification, the problem of trust is solved.

Security: this is the safest choice for this kind of platform, the money will help on a decentralized contract until the work is finally completed. Escrow smart contract to take care of payment.

Reduces the cost: The work is placed free of charge, employees pay 2% for using Dapp, thereby removing intermediaries; exorbitant 30% fees received by the intermediary will be completely missed.

Financial stability is very important for life. Mycro platform will help everyone achieve their financial goals and solve part of the global problem of unemployment. Become part of this amazing platform now.

Mycro Contents
Website: https://www.mycrojobs.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.mycrojobs.io/download/Mycro-Whitepaper-English.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5008139.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mycrojobs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mycro.jobs/
Telegram: https://t.me/mycrojobs
Medium: https://medium.com/mycrojobs
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1Gk4r0HRGFnOMfX3tWEfGw/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mycrojobs/

Written by Ayapp

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