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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

A Summary of Promotional Events Supporting the Launch of ProBit Exchange


Prior to the opening of the ProBit Exchange platform on November 30, ProBit is holding several events
for fundraising, promoting sign ups and increasing overall awareness. Below is a summary of the events
for the month of November. Each event offers different benefits to potential users of ProBit Exchange.
Take note of the schedule and don’t miss the opportunity to participate and maximize the benefits you
will receive!
ProBit Token (PROB) Pre-Sale Event
Period: November 5 to November 28
The Pre-Sale Event is the first chance for users to buy the ProBit Token (PROB), the utility token at ProBit
Exchange. Within the Pre-Sale period, those who purchase the ProBit Token will get a 10% bonus. This is
a limited offer and would not be available after the Trade Mining phase starts. Those who are interested
to purchase PROB are required to buy a minimum amount of 100 USD.
Relevant Link:
Grand Lottery Event
Period: November 5 to November 30
During the 26-day period of the lottery event, ProBit will be holding a daily raffle draw. At 11 AM every
day, 10 lucky winners of 10 EOS each will be randomly chosen among the pool of users who acquired
lottery tickets. In addition, 1 lucky winner of Samsung Galaxy S9 will be selected every week (a total of 4
people during the entire lottery period). There are several ways to get lottery tickets for the event
including signing up at www.probit.com and participating in the Referral Program and Bounty Program.
Relevant Link:
Registration Event
Period: November 5 onwards
The Registration Event’s objective is to reward the first users of ProBit Exchange. Users who sign up at
www.probit.com and deposit at least $50 worth of coins into their ProBit wallet will receive a 4 USDT
reward. The release of 4 USDT is subject to the verification and approval of the ProBit team. In case
suspicious activities such as duplicate accounts or use of bots are suspected, ProBit reserves the right to
ask for additional documents such as KYC certificate or identification card. The Registration Event will
continue to run until the budget allocated for the registration event has been fully exhausted. Please
take note that the 4 USDT reward shall be transferred during the opening of the exchange on November

Relevant Link:
Referral Program
Period: November 5 onwards
Among all existing referral programs, ProBit’s Referral Program offers the most number of rewards to
both inviters and invitees. The inviter will get 4 USDT for every friend that he or she has referred to the
ProBit network. To be considered as a referred friend, the invitee should sign up and deposit a minimum
amount of $50 worth of coins into his ProBit wallet. In addition, after the opening of the exchange, the
inviter will receive a referral bonus equivalent to 10-20% of the trading fee of all the transactions made
by his invitee. As a bonus, 10 lottery tickets for the 100 EOS and Samsung Galaxy S9 Grand Lottery will
also be given to the invitee for every referred user. The invitee will also receive a reward of 4 USDT and
10 lottery tickets upon signing up. To start referring friends and earning rewards, click the link below.
Relevant Link:
Bounty Program
Period: November 5 to November 30
ProBit Exchange’s Social Media Bounty Program rewards both content creators and social media
promoters. 40,000 USDT tokens will be shared and distributed to all participants of the Bounty Program.
Depending on the intensity of their social media activities, participants of the Bounty Program can
accumulate points which are convertible to USDT tokens at the end of the Bounty Program. Lottery
tickets for the 10 EOS & Samsung Galaxy S9 Grand Lottery will also be awarded. The bounty program will
target various media channels including Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Blogs.
Relevant Link:
Register an account: www.probit.com
Join Telegram Group: t.me/ProBitEnglish
ProBit Token (PROB) Pre-Sale:
ProBit is holding a Pre-Sale Event of ProBit Tokens (PROB) from November 5 to 28. ProBit Tokens are
available at a 10% bonus during this period. Learn more about PROB at

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