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5 лет назад

A new look for the Global Insurance Industry

The adaptability and capability of Blockchain hasn't been a mystery. The technology is very flexible and can power a madly huge number of applications. Blockchain is now being utilized in Cryptocurrencies, FinTech, Digital Identity, Cloud Storage and Smart Contracts. Nations like Honduras likewise utilized it for Corruption Control. Also, presently things being what they are, leading insurance companies are searching for Blockchain like solutions for empowering their system.

In actuality, the insurance companies have for quite some time been threatened by the increasing dangers of cyber attacks and hacking possibilities. In this specific situation, blockchain is likely the most befitting solutions owning to its high level of transparency and a secure database. Blockchain additionally keeps up a tamper-proof record of large information sets that can't be erased or even modified anytime in future. This and numerous different features of Blockchain Technology make it strong enough to give security against a wide range of online threats.

Kuverit Although considered a standout amongst the most imperative financial markets internationally (well worth round US $4.8 trillion in charges yearly), PWC's CEO study found that a higher percent of insurance company CEOs, in comparison to some other, are incredibly concerned through threats to their growth possibilities. To be specific, the threats from over- regulation, the sensational speed at which technology is progressing, changing over supporter conduct and new entrants into the market are all conspiring to pressure conventional business models. In the meantime, components inclusive of fraud, faux regulations and inefficient procedures are causing incredible troubles for present day companies and require ever additional pressing attention.

Global fraud topping £3trillion yearly
Global fraud is achieving epidemic levels with a yearly financial rate tag of more than £3.2 trillion. The UK financial system alone loses more than £110bn to Fraudsters every year. Fraud experts are asking agencies to invest more in their resources on fraud prevention, evaluating that doing as such should transfer a remarkable £44billion yearly to the United Kingdom economic system.

Kuverit's revolutionary standard solution will incorporate peer to peer guarantee exchanging, intended to eliminate peer to peer fraud, with the industry's first "totally autonomous" appified blockchain insurance company, intended to shield the whole lot for all and sundry, anyplace.

Research indicated that 37% of insurance clients could choose the utilization of smart technology instead of conversing with an agent. Individual experience, automation and appification is what is going to again clients confidence pushing forward. Daily existence is stressful sufficient, we lives in the age of the smartphone wherein clients request speed and performance.
Kuverit's Smart Insurance application will harness blockchain to power prompt its payments and decentralized claims handling system. Kuverit will increase choice, meet client’s desires and in particular form a friction-less, present day insurance application.

There is uncommon example other commercial enterprise in which the client isn't constantly legitimate. At kuverit we consider insurance companies should acknowledgment on client care by means of utilizing blockchain technology covers insurance software enables us to unfold chance and lessen the overhead cost going through traditional insurance companies most significantly. It lets in clients to have extended transparency over the ones principles.

The kuverit digital token power this transparency by means of allowing one and all to pay their premium with it on our insurance community. The kuverit token may be the primary insurance blockchain crypto forex while in transit to be fixing to insurance claims processing and growing the industry's first totally decentralized platform for insurance without a centralized or authority like a financial institution figuring out who is and isn’t they.

The Kuverit application fueled through kuverit virtual tokens is launching rapidly on home windows, ios, android and five explorers.

Utilize Smart Technology
What makes Kuverit amazing than any platform is that it's far fueled by blockchain technology. This smart technology help the individuals who need to acknowledge more about insurance as well as to search for the extraordinary insurance product. It encourages individuals, specially insurance clients to utilize smart technology including a smartphone to get any basic realities about insurance.

Easy to Access
Since insurers are able to use their smartphone, Kuverit may be accessed by means of utilizing a specific utility especially Kuverit smart insurance application. Clients can utilize the platform for an immediate fee and pronounce system. The first-class a part of the usage of this blockchain based platform is that the clients get more choices with certain difficulties.

Secure and Safe Insurance Platform
The platform cares about the security and safety of the clients. Kuverit is similarly bolstered by way of a few functions which help the clients to check the recognition of a stranger or new character before making an adapt to them. By utilizing this platform, clients can diminish the chance of financial misfortune. The risk to get the satisfactory insurance company and insurance plan could be greater.

Easy Transaction with KUV Token
Much the same as any blockchain based platform, Kuverit utilizes cryptocurrency and token to control any games. The token makes any insurance transactions from the platform simple, smooth, and speedy. The clients need to apply KUV token. For people who don't have the token yet, they can buy the token from Token Sale by methods for the utilization of any cryptocurrencies comprising of ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH, XRP, and some additional. The cost of the token is $0.99 as indicated by token. The token could be exchanged for your e-pockets and you could utilize it for any exercises in the meantime as the utilization of Kuverit.

Limit Fraud and Flawed Insurance
The platform is developed for the clients who need to find more records and secure insurance application. This platform is making an endeavor to secure against the regular issue, specifically fraud and erroneous insurance. At the indistinguishable time, the developer is putting forth an inventive method to get the acceptable insurance in the greatest secure, least demanding, and most secure way. The most critical factor is that you may detect the benefits of the insurance plan maximally. The platform controls your insurance plan and the in vogue supplant pleasantly.
Ticker: KUV
Type: Utility-token
Token standard: ERC20
Token cost in USD: 1 KUV = 0.02 USD
Accepted currencies: XEM, NEO, XMR ADA, XRP, LTC, DASH, ETH, BTC
Least Transaction Amount – $ 100

Bonus program:
Christmas Sales – 0-25 December 2018 – 70% OFF
New Year Sales – Dec 25 – Jan 1 - 19 half Discount

ICO Platform
ICO Platform 1 – 4 Months – 25% Bonus
ICO Platform 2 – 3 Months – 20% Bonus
ICO Platform 3 – 2 Months – 15% Bonus
ICO Phase 4 – 1 Month – 10% Bonus
ICO Phase 5 – 1 Month – 5% Bonus
ICO Platform 6 – 1 Month – 0% Bonus
ICO Price Per Token – $ 0.99

January 2019: Contributor Community Forum was launched
March 2019: Start P2P Application Development
March 2019: Commence Communication with Exchanges:
May 2019: Formation of Official Contributor Committee
July 2019: Release Beta P2P Guarantee Trading Application
July 2019: Establish Maltese Insurance Company
August 2019: Start P2P App Online Marketing
September 2019: Begins P2P App Media Campaign
October 2019: Buy Existing Global Insurance Company
July 2020: Establish London Operation Headquarters
December 2020: Submit Application to become a Lloyd's Syndicate

Daniel Drury: Co Founder - CEO
Daniel McManus: Co Founder - FD
Guido Schmitz: Advisor - Committee
Paul Baker: Advisor - Accountant
David Baumholzer: Advisor - Contractor
James Packham: Kuverit UK CEO
Paul Wordley: Solicitor
Pavel Martynov: Developer

Kuverit would really like to invite individuals and cooperate organizations who are interested to be part of their project. They believed as a community everybody come together working towards a more transparent, collaborative, truthful and sound decentralized blockchain network in insurance industry. The ICO is in progress and gaining tremendous momentum thus, the returns are a revelation. I prefer this project a lot and that I believe it'll stand the taste of time.

WEBSITE: https://www.kuverit.io/
ANN THREAD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5087039.0
WHITEPAPER: https://www.kuverit.io/white/Kuverit_Limited_WP_Dec_2019.pdf
YOUTUBE : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQGqHEA-IrzLOjng9zhfqNg
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/kuverit
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kuver_it
TELEGRAM: https://telegram.me/Kuveritico

Bitcointalk Username: Alaho15
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2513944
Eth Address: 0xf8c20030A71708E73D58Ab3900629F17B8875da5

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На Golos с January 2019
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