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5 лет назад

Bitwin project overview. The advantages of the project in the sphere of gambling

Official site

The sphere of gambling is developing rapidly. We all know that. And also we know why such a heightened attention in people is caused by the sphere of gambling. After all, it is in this area laid a large monetary potential. Many take a great interest in games, and spend a huge amount of money for this entertainment. Therefore, the field of gambling has always been and will be one of the most profitable niches for activity. All this is naturally good. But in spite of all these words, the sphere of gambling also has problems. The main problems of this field of activity are the lack of players' sufficient level of trust in sports organizations, as a result of which players are deprived of the opportunity to monitor the integrity of gambling institutions. In order to withdraw funds, it also sometimes takes a very large amount of time, and at the same time, commissions for withdrawal of funds reach a large size. Therefore, an alternative is needed. A platform is needed to solve these problems. The project that develops such a platform is called Bitwin. It is about this project and its benefits for the sphere of gambling that the conversation will go now.

The advantages of the project in the sphere of gambling:

The Bitwin project is developing an honest platform that will use a secure working mechanism that provides users with good working conditions that will protect them from cheating. Each person can verify honesty with smart contracts. Since the latter use a unique code that is impossible to fake. The project is developing its own network using the Bitwin Network source code. As a result of the work of this network, the speed of confirmation of transactions will increase, the size of commissions will decrease, as well as the minimum amount of withdrawal. The platform will have a unique design, with the provision for its users the opportunity to participate in slot machines, roulette, dice, as well as to make bets on sporting events. At the same time, honesty will be ensured by a special protocol that a player can use at any time. Another unique feature of the project will be the jackpot raffle, which will constantly increase at the expense of the casino operator. This is simply a unique opportunity that has never existed before.

In addition to the fact that ordinary players can use the platform, developers will also benefit from cooperation with the Bitwin project. That is, the game developer will be able to place it on the platform and receive profit for it. If his game will be in demand, the contract will be on a long-term basis. To facilitate all operations that will be carried out on the platform, the internal currency - BWT tokens will be functionalized. These tokens will provide a large number of opportunities, including voting for the placement of a particular game and as a betting exercise.


Personally, I think the Bitwin platform is promising for the gambling industry. First of all, this is due to the fact that many people are addicted to games, which means that the product is simply necessary. As a result, players can enjoy games, have a large selection of games, and be sure that they will not be deceived. Game developers will also receive a target audience, and therefore an additional source of income. All these factors indicate that the project can become one of the leaders in this field.

The uniqueness of the article here - 100 %

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