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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

Nebula AI - more safe and effective artificial intelligence of the new generation

Hello dear friends, today I want to tell you about a very cool project called Nebula AI, which has already held its ICO and is traded on many exchanges. But first I'll tell you a little about artificial intelligence (AI), which is very much in need of our future.

Even one of the greatest scientists Stephen Hawking, predicted that the future of science cannot do without artificial intelligence, as scientists will discover many new laws and theories, the human mind will not be able to perceive this information in vain, and for such purposes, and should be created by the human mind. Stephen Hawking also predicted that artificial intelligence will develop thousands of times faster than our brain and in the future can be disastrous for humanity. This was before the advent of blockchain technology, as it is able to fully protect artificial intelligence. And the project Nebula AI (abbreviated NBAI) in this very much succeeded. 

Nebula AI is a platform built on blockchain technology, which introduced artificial intelligence technology, thanks to blockchain AI technology, will be able to work much more efficiently, cheaper and safer. 

 Today, there are many services with artificial intelligence, such as Amazon and Google, but these systems are centralized and inefficient. The NBAI easily fixes this problem by creating a decentralized community where security is a major factor in your data. For example, Google was banned in the People's Republic of China under the "Golden Shield" project, and many users have lost access to their services, including access to artificial intelligence. Decentralized services of artificial intelligence NBAI, it will be impossible to block, which makes them much more practical. 

I will give you some examples in which areas Nebula AI will be in good demand.   
  • Industrial facility

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an extremely broad and extremely difficult to formalize concept, which is primarily associated with the presentation of knowledge, their extraction and subsequent manipulation of them. With all the inevitability it penetrates into various spheres of human activity, complementing and even replacing its natural intelligence. And if in many of these areas the invasion took place in the last decade, the problem of industrial production was one of the first, which used intellectual methods, because it had an easily estimated economic effect. Artificial intelligence will be able to increase efficiency in industrial facilities, which will also contribute to economic growth and reduce costs. 

  • Agriculture

Imagine that in the fields and farms will work robots that will measure the humidity of the earth, to determine the number of pests and so on. For example, if the soil is dry, and automatically turn on the water if you want to spray the crop, and send a drone that will easily eliminate this problem. AI opens up new opportunities for humanity, solving such problems as the human factor. 

  • Medicine

Artificial intelligence in healthcare uses algorithms and software to approximate human knowledge in the analysis of complex medical data. The main purpose of health-related applications is to analyze the relationship between prevention or treatment methods and patient outcomes. Thus, AI will be able to determine the diagnosis of the disease, its degree and prescribe more effective treatment much faster, which will improve health care tens of thousands of times. 

  • Traffic management

Artificial intelligence is able to take a huge amount of information and process in a short time, thus in the event of congestion, AI can easily solve this problem by switching the priorities of traffic on the strip where there is a difficulty in moving, and will help to identify potential violators on the road and deprive them of the opportunity to violate traffic rules. Already today, there are a lot of cameras on the roads that monitor violations, but without artificial intelligence, they can not work 100 percent effectively, together they can significantly reduce the number of accidents on the roads. 

There are many more vivid examples where artificial intelligence could improve our lives for the better, and all these opportunities we can give the company Nebula AI, which was the first to build this great technology on the blockchain platform, making it safer and cheaper by 70 percent. Companies like Amazon and Google have to spend a lot of money on security, hiring a huge staff and professional programmers. In principle, blockchain technology will not actually need all this stuff, since the security concept is already included in it. Saving up to 70 percent on artificial intelligence services, more and more businesses will be able to get this unique opportunity, which will increase demand in this area and allow artificial intelligence to improve and evolve. 

The NBAI also wants to solve the problem of high energy consumption in hashing. It is proved that 1 bitcoin transaction consumes much more electricity than 30 average American families, and this problem is becoming very significant that needs to be solved in the near future. 

Conclusion : 

Having got to know the Nebula AI project, better, I was very glad that they effectively conducted an ICO and launched their innovative project. Artificial intelligence is clearly one of the best technologies of our decade, and all future technologies, such as unmanned vehicles or robots, will not be able to fully function without it. 

Thank you for your attention, follow my blog in the near future I will write a second review on the project Nebula AI, which will explain in more detail their future plans, and more details about their great team. So stay with us and have a good day! 

                        | Official website | White paper | Telegram |  Bitcointalk ANN|                                                  

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This publication is informational in nature. The article should not be seen as an investment recommendation or advice. Readers of this review article must make decisions based on their own judgments, taking into account financial circumstances, investment objectives and the risk limit before investing funds 

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