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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

DAV - a new level of traffic


In modern society, people easily accept new gadgets and use them in everyday life. Most recently, we did not even hear a word like a quadrocopter (drone). Now, as an entertainment, it is used by schoolchildren, and large companies have come up with how to earn money with the help of drones. This gadget is used as a delivery groove, and quite successfully. But companies and consumers are faced with a number of problems:

  • a large number of people are needed to develop software
  • you need a lot of charging bases - services for repair and cleaning of drones
  • limited development rates, each company is responsible only for its drones
  • it is difficult to organize an army of drones that would serve at least one region of the country, not to mention the whole country and the world as a whole

The combination of disparate companies and individuals has high prospects for mastering this market and dynamic development. How can this be organized in order to take into account the interests of all parties?


The solution to this problem is offered by the open source DAV platform, which works with the help of blockchain technology. DAV offers a ready-made working model to create a global network that will take into account the interests of all stakeholders. Decentralized autonomous vehicles (DAV) brings together all self-propelled vehicles (drones, cars, trucks, marine vessels), offering mutually beneficial cooperation. Companies can themselves control how demanded and equipped a particular niche is at all stages. The company offers a single token - DAV token, which can be used for:

  • payment for transportation and transportation services
  • earnings of suppliers of vehicles for the rendered service
  • companies that provide repair services, replace batteries in transit, etc.
  • 8manufacturers of vehicles interested in making sure that their transport is used in the global network, which will also receive payment in the form of tokens*
  • insurance companies that offer insurance in the light of the history of the service provider and the recipient of the service
  • arbitration companies that will help to confirm that the goods were delivered
    DAV consists of the main components. Each component is responsible for the performance of its task.

Each service recipient will know the history of the company that offers the service and can choose the service provider that is more suitable for these or other parameters.
To reduce risks, both on the part of service providers and on the part of the buyer, DAV offers a history of all transactions, services of insurance and arbitration companies.

DAV has developed a decentralized relationship:

  • communication on the blockchain - through smart contracts, messages are transmitted about what is happening (for example: payment for a service) and receive information from vehicles (for example: the state of the battery charge)
  • Peer-to-peer communication - is necessary for the operation of each stage of the provision of services, starting with the price offer for the service and ending with the receipt of payment for transportation or transportation of the goods. Although this connection is performed outside of the use of the blockchain but is provided by smart contracts. Payment for the provision of services, companies receive after its completion, i.e. after signing a contract that the service is rendered.


DAV creates a global network for the transportation and delivery of goods, with a ready-made working platform that will unite the scattered companies and individuals to achieve a common goal. In terms of investment, the project is interesting and promising. Since June 11, DAV has been conducting ICO, which will continue until June 25, 2018. ICO may end sooner.

For more information, please visit:
Website: https://dav.network/
Telegram: https://t.me/DAVNetwork
Whitepaper: https://dav.network/whitepaper.pdf
Social networks:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DavNetwork/media
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DAVNetworkTeam

My details:
My bitcointalk profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1593336
Му bitcointalk username: Aroma92
My wallet address: 0x428359c7Bd1440358Abe8dDA13EFAfBF737c8567

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