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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

KITTOKEN - First Stable Digital Currency


The following review, is a detailed summary and analysis about the Kittoken project. This will be helpful for everyone who wants to learn more and get an objective view about Kittoken.

Financial systems often times is plagued with varying problems, most business transactions in today's world is being done online. You want to purchase any goods or products its much convenient making an online purchase and giving out your details online. Sometimes, this online websites are not secured and pose a massive threat to the users.

Hackers are on the rise phishing looking for sensitive information's online, many users fall prey , with their sensitive information's stolen due to inefficient financial systems. Datas are lost, credit cards details stolen. Users fall victim to theft, Identity fraud and the likes. Kittoken aims to provide a solution to all these deficiencies . It seeks to provide a sustainable financial ecosystem that is based on blockchain technology.

KitToken is a Singapore incorporated company that offers a utility token. KitToken aims to help foreign workers in Malaysia transfer money to their homes which could be in countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and Afghanistan. KitToken is a self-managing financial system with P2P transaction based on open source platform called KitPay.

KitPay which is a payment gateway like an e-wallet. Tokens bought can be left in an e-wallet in hopes that the value of the tokens will go up to make profit. This profit can be sent back home as well.
KitToken will be creating merchants who accept KitTokens as a way of payment to encourage users to try their tokens which will be accompanied by discounts.


Fund transfers and payment is often seen to suffer many challenges, intermediaries are not far fetched in this instance, They pose a threat, along with it, comes excessive high transfer fee that is unsuitable, high account set up cost, transparency of transactions is often limited and security of transactions cannot be achieved due to high human errors that can be uncontrollable and enables Hackers to acquire or gain access to sensitive information's.

Additionally, transactions becomes very slow paced and time wasting which is unsuitable for business to execute large volume of cross border transfers and payments on time.

Furthermore, regulatory restrictions by Authorities can be very worrying, some laws are not favorable and flexible to meet the growing need of financial activities and limitations in terms of geographical coverage are all challenges facing financial Industries in this regard .



  • Secure payment transfers — Unlike the current payment and remittance options that exist, KitToken will be more secure because it is based on blockchain technology. It will be impossible for hackers and phishers to breach the blockchain especially since it is using advanced hash functions that make it safe from Sybil and other network-based attacks. This makes any transactions secure.
  • Fast global transactions — Making a transfer across the globe is quite slow due to the issues of clearance and settlement of payments. KitToken will provide an alternative that makes the transfer of payments anywhere around the world happen in real-time. This will be beneficial especially for e-commerce and drop shipping transactions that rely on fast transfers.
  • Low transaction costs — Many of the existing payment transfer methods require high transfer fees. Most of them charge 10–20 percent in transfer costs. This is too high especially considering the unsecured nature of these transactions. KitTokens will charge a fraction of the transaction costs making it more affordable for vendors and merchants.
  • Reputable and compliant — KitToken is a cryptocurrency that will be trading on an SEC-Compliant exchange and it is also officially registered with the Malaysian government. This gives it a legitimacy that most other cryptocurrencies do not have. It will also adhere to any new regulations by the SEC or the MAS.
  • Passive income generation for token holders — KitToken also provides additional benefits by sharing the profits made from the transactions with token holders. Regular airdrops will be made to those holding KitTokens. This provides a passive income opportunity that requires no skills or investment.

Kitpay Technology

KitPay provides a unique hybrid Ethereum model for storing and
processing digital transactions in a secure and transparent way
encompassing Proof-of-Work (POW) and Proof-of-Stake (POS). POW
entails the number of transactions or purchase of KitToken by token
holders. POS records the storage of KitToken in an individual wallet for
the purpose of distribution of profit.

Token & ICO Details

Token name: KitToken
Symbol: KIT
Decimal: 18
Cost per token: $0.05
Total Supply: 8 Billion
For Reserve: 2.5 Billion
For sale: 3.5 Billion
Airdrop+Bonuses : 2 Billion



Unique Team

The ability of Kittoken to perform these exciting functions, resulted from combination of its young dynamic founding members and its enterprising corporate founding members. The mixture the 2 generations will ensure Kittoken to be the most acceptable utility crypto in the global market. The Team will set new standard in the crypto market and are readily well equipped with all necessary skills, talents and long-term experience.


Kittoken will be a utility token used daily by the masses to remit, transact and trade, whilst gaining from its usage and gradual appreciation of its value. It is unique as it be a safe investment as it will grow in value in proportion of its usage and yields annual profits over the long run. It will be a cryptocurrency that many would like to own and use.

Kittoken will be readily acceptable as its KitPay wallet will have features unseen in other crypto wallets. Its ability to exchange in multicurrency and multifiat will make KIT a universal payment receivable gateway for B2B as well as B2C.

I like this Project a lot and have no doubt that the project is here to positively transform the Crypto market. There has been a lot of positive response from the cryptocurrency community with many investors supporting the project.

You can also join the FinTech revolution by taking part in the ICO. If you have any queries you can get additional information from our whitepaper: https://goo.gl/o2tq7k

You can also reach customer representatives on the main website in https://kittoken.net.

Follow Links for more information;

Website: https://kittoken.net
WhitePaper: https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/030bdbd0-d698-4aa3-ba4d-d2bc680f2ec9/downloads/1chf5j90p_313571.pdf
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4557979.msg41057899#msg41057899
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TokenKit
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KitTokenOfficial
Medium: https://medium.com/@kittoken.official



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