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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


When Bitcoin, the world's initially decentralized digital assets was made, it ended up common and without a doubt comprehended in 2009. Starting now and into the foreseeable future its value and development has seen huge improvement. The presentation of bitcoin incited a couple of numerous digital assets, anyway the rule thought behind digital assets is to check and unknown way to deal with the movement of crypto coins from one individual then onto the following. To further develop this anonymity, Satoshi Nakamoto developed a progressed digital record of bitcoin transactions called Blockchain.

After bitcoin headway, various supporters from different field of callings and associations around the world got a handle on blockchain advancement consequently made numerous associations to begin making investable new crypto coins. Crypto coins are predicated on cryptographic algorithms that are encoded to certify transactions. Digital currencies are recorded on an online record called the "blockchain."

Blockchain innovation isn't compelled to the elements of crypto coin. It can likewise be used for cross-border trades, as a crypto coins alternative to online and offline, and there are various other potential markets. However, the presentation of digital assets and influx of individuals into the cryptocurrency sphere has made a huge rise in the leveraging of blockchain innovation. This is the thing that realized the possibility of TEMTUM.

TEMTUM is a peer-to-peer blockchain network that has come up with a solution to curtail the issues affecting cryptocurrency by providing a technological innovation that is secured, fast, seamless, speedy and built with sophisticated technology. The Temporal blockchain will allow a fast, quantum, secure way of sending crypto payment anywhere in the world seamlessly with little or no transaction fee.


  • Scalability: Existing blockchain innovation are really not scalable and not decentralized while also requiring high computational power.

  • Speed: This is one of the existing barriers faced as some digital assets like Bitcoin are too slow and can take ages during transactions.

  • Security: Security is the talk of the day as many blockchain based project are beung hacked by sophisticated hackers to steal users fund.

  • Resource intensity: Some cryptocurrencies are just too wasteful and requires high amount of energy which do impact the environment in a negative manner.


  • The Temporal Blockchain is developed by Dragon Infosec with temtum’s innovative Consensus Algorithm and Ai powered performance protocol which removes network competition and improves network efficiency.

  • The Temporal Blockchain completely allows smartphone users to completely take interest in the system and conveying genuine decentralization and vast scalability. The Temporal Blockchain also dispenses the need to store the whole chain history on all nodes by archiving data while counteracting rivalry in node choice.

  • Speed: The speed of the temtum system is second to none as the team has successfully created a profoundly productive Consensus Algorithm and expelled the block size impediment so as to affirm transactions rapidly with a greatest affirmation time of 12 seconds.

  • The Temtum's Consensus Algorithm, built around pioneer nodes and our creative Node Participation Document, evacuates the requirement for mining and inefficient, wasteful and prohibitive Consensus components, for example, proof-of-work. temtum utilizes significantly less vitality and has less natural effect contrasted with POW systems. Temtum also does not require or utilizes high energy and also it operates with less power and storage.

  • Security: Temporal is a quantum-secure blockchain network that uses a photon source for real number generation with next-generation hashing algorithms. These keep the system from being powerless against hypothetical attack – even for the situation that quantum assaults become typical soon.

  • The temtum Consensus Algorithm is likewise highly secure and does not require any computational resources and can stop or eliminate block size limitations

  • The Temporal blockchain has been seen and created to ensure the integrity of blockchain so by making the node to validate previous transactions without having to download or safe the entire blockchain.


  • As a medium of exchange
  • point-of-sale (PoS) mobile payment solution to enact the medium of exchange;
  • currency within online gaming applications;
  • e-commerce payment application.

TEMTUM team being fully knowledgeable in the field of blockchain technology has utilized a wide range of laboratory test with live deployment over globally distributed server to confirm a throughput of upto 120,000 transactions per second.


Conclusively, The temporal Blockchain also give access for short-term data storage on nodes and maintain the integrity and full history of the blockchain with an added advantage of delivery faster transactions throughput and short transactions confirmation with low-resource requirement.

Kindly visit the below website for more in depth knowledge about the project:

Website: https://temtum.com
Whitepaper: https://temtum.com/downloads/temtum-whitepaper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearetemtum
Telegram: https://t.me/temtumcommunity
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wearetemtum
Linkdein: https://www.linkedin.com/company/temtum/
Discord: https://discord.gg/hs3v4g4
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/temtum
Medium: https://medium.com/temtum
Bitcointalk username: bosunbossman
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1197648;sa=summary

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