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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
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5 лет назад



ONIZ gives insurance reserve to investors by rebuying the quantity of tokens sold out, making straightforwardness for investors. ONIZ opens many intriguing things for financial specialists, for example, gambling club on the web, football betting, the escrow ventures carry enormous benefits to speculators by up to 30% per month. ONIZ also gives tip betting chances of winning up to 80-85% as indicated by our AI algorithm.

ONIZ token is an ONIZ subsidize computerized framework that will be utilized to build up a financing framework as a decentralized financing spot to help each client in raising capital and making sub-projects,ONIZ assets have total highlights including, multichain wallets that are coordinated and can be utilized to online installment consistently.

The ONIZ fund will be utilized in numerous environment territories just as supporting the foundation of undertakings dependent on ONZ tokens, as of now ONIZ in the advancement phase of AI innovation for games wagering biological systems. each client who has ONZ will get entirely gainful tips.The ONIZ group said that each application item in their environment is outfitted with present day innovation, completely straightforward, safe, and plans to make the following item soon.
At present numerous ventures move their financing programs from the ICO to the IEO, however ONIZ begins with the ITO program, the ONIZ ITO program is opened in 6 phases which will give up to 300% BONUS, this program is legitimately associated with SBOBET, and the ONZ tokens will be utilized to pay each wager on SBOBET


ONIZ group offers the chance to have the first. ONIZ for trustful and fortunate individuals who can possess ONIZ.

The ITO of ONIZ will be consistently isolated. After the finish of cycle 1, 2 and 3, the ITO guarantor permits the fortunate individuals owning ONZ to exchange ONZ to the backer and gather the benefit straightforwardly as a tribute to individuals have trusted and went with ONZ.


  • Introduce innovation activities including multi-chain payments that ONIZ can bolster.
    Pay items from accomplices - who acknowledges ONIZ token payment or on the other hand undertakings made from ONIZ token.

  • Users can utilize ONIZ for payment in games that ONIZ is connected to or made by the ONIZ platform itself.

  • Initialize technology projects involving multi-chain payments that ONIZ can support.

  • Users can pay products from partners - who accepts ONIZ token payment. or projects created from ONIZ token.

  • Users can use ONIZ Token to buy betting tips and win several thousand money depending on the bet type.

  • ONZ will be utilized in numerous regions of ONZ ecosystem, notwithstanding the individuals who keep ONZ can contract ONZ and acquire 75% of the cash with ONZ you have.


Q1/2019- ONIZ Plan to create ITO and set up an innovation platform for ONIZ.

Q2/2019- ITO Information exposure and dispatch ONIZ Fund Investment stage.

Q3/2019- Discharge AI sports betting platform and opening performing multiple tasks payment entryway.

Q4/2019- Dispatch global cash move stage by means of ONIZ with Bank Wire API mix stage.

Q1/2020- Launch multinational money transfer platform via ONIZ with Bank Wire API integration platform. Declare ONIZ improvement group and advancing web based life showcasing

Q2, 3/2020- Dispatch the decentralized trading platform ONIZ exchange.

Q4/2020- Dispatch battling game utilizing VR highlight and use ONIZ to wager

In 2021- Concentrate on creating Startup tasks utilizing ONIZ token as a stage and making a hazardous loaning stage for innovation startup ventures

Kindly visit the below website for more in depth knowledge about the project:

Website: https://oniz.co/

Whitepaper: https://oniz.co/oniz/img/English.pdf

ANNThread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5165733.msg51844051

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Onizco

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/oniz.coo

Telegram: https://t.me/Onizco

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/OnizCo1

Bitcointalk username: bosunbossman

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1197648;sa=summary

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