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5 лет назад


SERO is world's first anonymous currency platform dependent on Zero Knowledge Proof that supports Smart Contracts, this implies clients will almost certainly issue and exchange anonymously with ERC20 Token or ERC721 Token, smart contract, which has a one of a kind natural application

SERO gloats of four kinds of assets; SERO coins, anonymous Tokens, Tickets, and Packages, together comprise the environment of the SERO ecosystem's anonymous assets. These asset types are flawlessly coordinated in a solitary coding framework, joined with the programming of these assets by Turing complete smart contract of SERO platform, engineers and devlopers can pioneer the usage of different privacy-related DApps that are not bolstered on the past framework in the blockchain, and are appropriate for the execution of business necessities in different privacy protection fields.

Quickly, the SERO framework tends to the below barriers in the unknown currency territory:

  • Anonymous currency does not bolster smart contract, anonymous ecology can't issue assets for Dapp programming.

  • Zero-knowledge demonstrates and encryption are moderate

  • Industry requires 100% unknown currency dependent on zero-knowledge proof.

How SERO fathoms the encryption speed issues of Zero Knowledge Proof

  • For the blockchain framework with non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs ( NIZK) scheme, the greatest application bottleneck is the long time of exchange proofs. Despite the fact that Zcash as of late overhauled the sapling version, unknown exchanges can set aside a long effort to move, to a great extent influencing ease of use. Particularly on account of a lot of UTXO per transaction, the time frame of transactions is considerably progressively terrible. So on the Zcash framework, just about 10% of transactions are anonymous, the rest are unequivocal currency transactions. The way that Zcash is over-spoken to has thusly truly influenced Zcash's obscurity security.

  • SERO accomplished multiple times (20x) quicker encryption against Zcash during testnet.

  • SERO extraordinarily improves the encryption time of Zero Knowledge Proof generation by advancing Zero Knowledge Proofs generation speed ( at a similar security level, zero learning evidence generation speed is a request of greatness higher than that of Zcash)

  • Improved SERO experience is sufficient to help 100% anonymity for all transactions in the SERO, so the entire anonymous trading framework doesn't have unequivocal currency addresses, which takes care of the issue of anonymous security impeccably.


  • SERO’s Zero knowledge proof system, Super-ZK, has made an achievement in a few angles contrasted with Zcash.

  • SERO produces NIZK utilizing the zk-Snarks derech system, Using the ALT_BN128 curve and Groth16 preprocessing process, this procedure takes 1/3 less time than the PGHR13 preprocessing plan.

  • SERO utilizes a Twisted Edwards elliptic curve when creating a public key, To supplant the SHA256 algorithm and use ECC Hash to produce the Merkle tree, the transaction speed can be expanded on multiple occasions with not more than 4 times.

  • SERO utilizes a solitary input and output structure, every one of which is connected by an assets channel, which is increasingly secluded in development and gives a triple increment in parallel execution proficiency on account of multi-core CPU.

  • Some portion of the code for Super-ZK is written in low level computing construct, enhancing building structures, for example, resource allocation and making it increasingly productive to execute code.

SERO Support for Smart Contract

SERO has made a cross breed transaction model of Bitcoin's UTXO and Ethereum's ACCOUNT model. In the computing layer of privacy protection, UTXO mode is embraced, and the ACCOUNT design which is consistently proportionate can be mapped to help the task of Turing complete smart contract virtual machine. SERO unites the two examples consistently through exchanges, consensus, and the Pedersen Commitment algorithm, empowering smart contracts to perform shockingly well.

SERO's Hybrid Model

A token like ERC20 and ERC721 convention can be issued by SERO smart contracts. Like SERO coin, it is additionally anonymous dependent on zero knowledge proof and can be programmed with smart contract. This is a pivotal development for the entire cryptocurrency market.The SERO Token is the main token to be utilized in the SERO ecosystem and can be used to facilitate transactions, the token can also be used to reward algorithm providers and can be used by users for different purposes in their DApp or SERO related ecosystem. The token can also be used as a bookkepping reward and can be used for computational reward.


Kindly visit the below website for more in depth knowledge about the project:

Website: https://sero.cash/en/

Whitepaper: https://sero.cash/en/uploadfile/upload/2019052010565112.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/SeroOfficial

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SEROProtocol/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SEROdotCASH/

Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/SERO_Official

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sero-global-inc/?lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_pulse_read%3BylrC1s1hRTyD68ugGvt2iQ%3D%3D

Medium: https://medium.com/@SERO.CASH

Bitcointalk username: bosunbossman

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1197648;sa=summary

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