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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


The Blockchain is a rapidly growing technology that is engulfing every possible business domain. Therefore, many reports published have predicted a huge rise in the Blockchain market. According to reports, the Blockchain market is expected to extend to over 20 billion dollars by 2024. It is counted in one of the most promising new technologies that are hoped to change the future of businesses and the internet.

Basically the rise of cryptocurrency and subsequent attention brought to blockchain technology has prompted nearly every industry to evaluate the benefits of integrating the technology into their operations. One such firm at the forefront of blockchain innovation is MULTIVEN Project

In this sea of innovation and new technologies there are visionary projects that come to life in the form of ICO's and today i am going to present you with one of the most promising ones on the market which is Multiven


Multiven is the world’s first and only provider of independent, decentralised and politically-neutral software integrity maintenance and cyber-defense services for all the blockchain nodes and hardware that make up the world’s internet network. By offering service-as-a-utility, powered by its elite team of Internet experts, security researchers, cryptographers and its artificial-intelligence engine, mySolvr, while leading consumer advocacy that ensures customer choice and value, Multiven is realising its mission of making the Internet globally available, secure and affordable for all mankind.

Multiven is expanding its cyberdefence program to harden and defend Bitcoin, Ethereum and other public cryptocurrency network nodes against advanced cyberattacks, fueled by the transaction fees from the Multiven Open Marketplace (MOM) — the world’s first blockchain-based marketplace for the global $3 Trillion IT products and services market.

Why our Project is Unique

Team Multiven, fully all its staff are operating for the good thing about the corporate and are continuously able to facilitate in any matter. They are always in touch and do not lose sight of. For sure, at the current moment, when we are discussing ICO ventures, this reality is vital.
All the prototypes made by the Multiven development team are publicly available, right now you can get acquainted and try out this system.
Multiven participates in every possible crypto, blocking forums, making serious contracts.
Features of Multiven Platform

Multiven Pearl

A multivendor network hardware and software maintenance service for all Internet enabled devices e.g. routers, switches, firewalls, servers etc

Multiven Pearl Guard

A system based cyber-defense product kills cyberattacks and reestablishes affected benefits inside 24 hours.

Multiven Open Marketplace

The world’s first Blockchain-based open marketplace for new, used and decommissioned computer network hardware, software and services are powered by MultiCoin tokens.

Multiven Oyster

A Multiven proprietary computer and network hardware and software asset management, collaboration and mapping application.

Multiven Business Model Transition Post ICO

Multiven was founding because there is some problem around the the way the world buy’s, maintains and sells their computer and network equipment install-base. That problem becomes secondary mission of Multiven.

Usefulness of the Project

Source and Use of ICO Multiven The “motivating force program” will be initiated in conjunction with the market being served. All gadget profiles will be put away in Blockchain (specifically, steady information, for example, gadget part number, serial number, and so on. Will be put away and put away from chains and connected to variable information, for example, geo area, possession, and so on put away on-chain) deliver Back-up worldwide introduce based net framework base. Multiven will designate 200M MultiCoins (10% of MultiCoin Supply) to the motivator program to be propelled in the accompanying way: MultiCoin is the main medium of trade in the Multiven Open Marketplace (MOM) team

Multiven Token and ICO Details

Token : MTC

Price : 1 MTC = 0.5 EUR

Bonus : Available

Platform : Ethereum

Accepting : ETH

Soft cap : 10 000 000 EUR

Hard cap : 100 000 000 EUR

Country : Switzerland

Whitelist/KYC : Whitelist

Token Distribution

Use of Proceeds

MultiCoin is the sole medium of exchange on the Multiven Open Marketplace (MOM)

The Project ICO is ongoing now, get involved now and enjoy the benefits of your investment. The 200M or 10% MultiCoin — ERC-20 Tokens will be sold in the following manner:

Round 1: 9th March to 6th June; 30 million tokens available — 25% bonus. Max cap per investor: 1,000 ETH + bonus

Round 2: 7th June to 7th August; 40 million tokens available — 20% bonus. Max cap per investor: 500 ETH + bonus

Round 3: 8th August to 8th September; 60 million tokens available — 15% bonus. Max cap per investor: 250 ETH + bonus

Round 4: 9th September to 9th October; 70 million tokens available — 0% bonus. Max cap per investor: 50 ETH


MultiCoin (MTC) is Multiven’s ERC-20 compliant token that is the sole medium of exchange in the Multiven Open Marketplace (MOM).

You should own MultiCoins because you’ll need it to;

· Buy goods and services on MOM;

· Sell goods and services on MOM (proof-of-stake);

· Support the cyberdefence of Bitcoin, Ethereum and all public blockchain nodes.


The Team

Multiven Platform is initiated and backed with professionals with unquestionable wealth of experiences. Our team has full understanding of the Objective and the Roadmap of the project and believes in the disruptive power of smart contracts, and will dedicate significant efforts to make them effective in internet global community.

Meet The Amazing Team


For more information, please visit the links below;

Website: https://multiven.io/

Whitepaper: https://multiven.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/multiven_WP-FINAL.pdf

Bitcointalk Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3075298.0

Twitter: https://twitter.com/multivengroup

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MultivenGroup/

Telegram: https://t.me/MultivenOfficialGroup

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/multiven/

Medium: https://medium.com/multivengroup

Author: BrainerdPaul

BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409

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