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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


The Blockchain Technology keeps on expanding in ubiquity and also its appropriation because of its genuine utilize cases in different parts by people, firm, and governments. It is a will be a drifting subject for discourse whenever, as it can possibly alter household and worldwide exchanges. It’s mechanical attributes particularly decentralization and unchanging nature have been extremely useful, in alleviating some present frameworks on the planet today as it can be effectively be embraced into any existing framework.
Basically the rise of cryptocurrency and subsequent attention brought to blockchain technology has prompted nearly every industry to evaluate the benefits of integrating the technology into their operations One firm at the forefront of this innovation is ALFA-ENZO a complete working product which is the worlds first smart market that offers hyberlocal social networking which is based on high speed proof of activity blockchain.


As said earlier, the ALFA-ENZO network platform is a new blockchain based project in pole rank to develop what is proposed as the first mass-market cryptocurrency. The platform aims to establish that through the provision of a standard unmatched distributed commerce ecosystem that will solve the problems that are in place. The project platform has come with the solution specially built to meet the speed and scalability required for mainstream utilization. By such providing properties like quickness and intuition for all users on the platform.

The Alpha-enzo platform seeks to make transactions on the blockchain easier, better and for users to optimally utilize the blockchain potentials. Alfa- enzo is developing an open network that delivers better decentralized applications, protocols and ecosystems that can exercise a high global appeal user- base with flexibility and top-notch user experiences.

Alpha-enzo is an innovation with a super-enhanced design to aid massive adoption by relying network effect to offer cryptocurrencies. Alpha-enzo platform works on services by offering clients future entrance to the field of online advertising.


Each user should be able to sell, buy, store funds, quietly use decentralized applications, but there is no platform that would implement it. (Creating revolutionary platform)

Fast and secure data transfer. Data processing speed. Any user wants to have quick access to the content.

Dissemination of information about cryptocurrencies should acquire a viral character. With the help of social networks and other information mechanisms, people need to be explained that we have entered a new digital age and the blockchain system is an integral part of it.


Consumer data being collected and shared without user consent and Coins are not backed by a universally acceptable value basis.

Advertisers not getting sufficient ROI.

Decreasing publisher revenue is leading to low quality content which shows No easy way exists to use crypto for goods and services

Too many middlemen - Data middlemen, traffic middlemen, and ad middlemen. All are driving up costs and contributing to excessive consumer ad overload.

Most business marketing research never gets done, because it is cost prohibitive.


Alfa-Enzo is the solution to problems by building a hyper-agile solution to steward the most useful distributed platform in existence

User Control
Give users the right to opt-in to specific industries, and only share data they are comfortable sharing

Built for speed, convenience, scale, and privacy and Data transfers and money transfers are openly viewable

Free Unbiased Data
Give advertisers the ability to choose the appropriate media outlets, without paying hefty upfronts

Community Oversight
Data collection and sharing should use open-source auditable code

Compensate users for their time and trust. Time is the oldest first-principle concept.

EON ecosystem

To attract a global audience we need to develop utility that will bring interaction between partners to a new level. EON(ENZO OPEN NETWORK) is an innovative ecosystem that allows people and data to function as a single market in time, while data can be managed by private blockchain. EON should provide transparent and fast data transfer system, as well as reduce the network-wide load. To achieve this goal it need the following:

Ecosystem participants completely control their data, because each user receives a private blockchain tied by a master chain.

EON combines proof of work and share to create an activity cost function that gives each member of the network chance to get Enzos tokens.

EON miners earn Enzos by helping CAPTCHA, which enables the processor to conduct transactions and add them to a public order.

To guarantee lightning-fast transactions between two members of the network, EON uses offline channels associated with the smart-contract.

For transaction verification, you can call the Samaritans. Samaritans are equivalents of knots. The Samaritan Protocol requires adoption of a node and is organized by a smart-contract.

This protocol is called "handshake" and serves to exchange real goods, as well as to ensure security when meeting face to face.

AlfaEnzo ecosystem consists of several elements:

This is a mobile application. It is a type of messenger that allows you to communicate using peer-to-peer messages. A prototype mobile app is already running on iOS.

This is a social advertising platform built on the principle of self-service by users. It very accurately defines the targeting and delivers the advertising message with 90% probability of click.

This is the wallet that is attached to each application in the EON system. The wallet allows users to create their smart contracts for secure exchange of anything.

The ENZO (NZO) Token

EON offers its own Enzo (NZO) token with a saved internal value. This token will be provided by time, so its value can not be inflated or depreciated. Developers want to correctly assess, measure and reward users for their human time resource. The value of token is related to network ecosystem effect. NZO token is equivalent to 365 days with daily units in Zs. Distribution of tokens depends on participation. As more and faster network grows, as more expensive token becomes.

Token Details

Token: NZO

Standard: ERC20

Platform: Ethereum

Token Supply: 21,000,000,000


Token sale period: 4.07.2018 - 4.07.2019.

Pre-sale will start at 0.04 USD per token and will change throughout the year.

Token Distribution

Use of Funds


Conclusively, APHA ENZO is proffering solution specially built to meet the speed and scalability required for mainstream utilization. By such providing properties like quickness and intuition for all users on the platform. The Alpha-enzo platform seeks to make transactions on the blockchain easier, better and for users to optimally utilize the blockchain potentials.
The EON solely believes that time is an ageless concept but we only experience it in today's mainstream technology.
This project is very much needed in the crypto world and it will play a very vital role in taking the cryptocurrency world to another level with the help of the EON network and its blockchain technology.




For more information, please visit the links i have provided below;

Website: https://www.alfaenzo.io/
Whitepaper: https://www.alfaenzo.io/libs/pdf/blackpaper.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/whenenzo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/alfaenzo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enzonetwork
Medium: https://medium.com/alfaenzo
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/alfaenzofoundation/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsfKqraAZ5rQDVqX9i1XaUQ?view_as=subscriber

Author: BrainerdPaul
BitcoinTalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1680409

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