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5 лет назад

Airsave Travel - decentralized application (DApp) on blockchain technology

Hello friends all are still with me Budiman. This time I will provide information about a very interesting project for you to see, in a new cryptocurrency called Airsave Travel . Before heading into the discussion I think we all agree that blockchain technology still requires efforts that encourage adoption to continue to grow and continue to grow in the future.

What is Airsave Travel?

Airsave Travel is a decentralized application (DApp) that will be built in 2018. It is a one-click technology that does not require input, input, or installation. Airsave Travel uses blockchain technology to attract, test and value all ecosystem users who want to save and make money from their trips.

This platform offers savings in the new cryptocurrency, Airsave Coins (AST). Savings can also be made in foreign currencies. You will see how cryptocurrency can double your real income, track virtual balances and real-time. Using the existing AirSave concept (currently available on the App Store), as well as open source blockchain technology, you can use your network of friends to make money on all your trips.

Travel in modern society is the norm where people are accustomed to, and can no longer live without it. There is a need for blockchain symbiosis and travel. For this purpose, Airsave Travel was created. Airsave Travel is a decentralized application. This is a one-touch technology that does not require login and registration. Airsave Travel uses blockchain technology to attract, authenticate and respect all users in their ecosystem who want to save and earn money for their trips.

This platform provides savings in their new cryptocurrency, Airsave Coins. Savings can also be done in currencies. You will see how easily crypto points can triple your real income while tracking virtual and real balances in real time. Using the existing Airsave concept, along with open source blockchain technology, you can use your network of friends to make money on all your trips.

The Airsave Travel Platform allows you to save on new Crypto-Currency Aviation (AST) Coins. Savings can also be made in foreign currencies. You will see how cryptocurrency tokens can multiply your actual income by tracking virtual and balance in real time. Using the existing AirSave concept (currently available on the App Store) and open source Blockchain technology, you can use the Friend Network to make money for all your goals.

Because this platform allows you to make savings in your own ASTC crypto currency, you can join your friends to save your tokens together by buying tickets through the system, and then transfer them to real currency or return them to circulation and make more trips. Airsave Travel uses the developed and widespread idea of ​​AirSave (an application that can already be downloaded from the App Store) but at the same time combines it with a blockchain, built on open source (open source), you can work with your friends to get a cryptocurrency on your trip.


When you save 20 each month with us (or the AST equivalent), you get £ 5 every month for each friend you save, and when you invite your friends and reveal your reference list, you can see your income that hasn't uncovered. Every 4 months you can withdraw your savings and profits on Fiat or your chosen digital currency, at least 20% of the amount paid as a travel voucher from STA Travel, their exclusive partner.

AST is the incorporation of new cryptocurrency with a revolutionary economy and produces a platform built on blockchain technology. The AST attribute, also called Airsave Coin, is a marker of ERC20, which allows you to access AST DApp and the ability to save and get money, crypt prizes and STA Travel vouchers.


Based on the data and facts seen, Airsave Travel is very good for review and investment. This is based on reality for now, many projects are not good, and makes everyone who invests a lot of questions about their certainty and truth, so if you want to invest in this project, you should read all about the article that I made, so you can find out more about this ICO project from them.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the Airsave project
currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have
set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to
speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join Airsave social media today please follow these resources:

Website: http://www.airsavetravel.com
Technical paper: http://www.airsavetravel.com/doc/OnePager_AST.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AirsaveTravel
Twitter: https://twitter.com/airsave_travel
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4949911.0
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/FZXBqw6RJG2DBYrs6Mq0oQ

Username : 378budiman
Address 0x64947F03e8d6C2dC65e9F4e87cFc651d1fadd82D

0.000 GOLOS
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