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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад

GOOREO: Decentralized Career Platform!

Hello everyone, If you are interested in joining the Gooreo project, it is a good idea to read reviews that can help you get information that might help you in seeing their vision and mission, as follows:

With the formation of industrialization, the difficulty of attracting well-known personnel began. This forced the production workers to form uniform recruiting offices, subsequently, numerous from which they turned into an independent sector of bargaining, forming and regularly replenishing the basis of recruiters, which later were re-assigned to the final employers.

But today recruitment agencies are not to be overcome with the responsibilities entrusted to them, these prerequisites are associated with old attraction instruments, much the same as:
passive hiring - i.e. the whole recruitment consists in placing an ad and waiting for a response;
the inability to carry out the flow of applicants - the borrower functions with one and this is the basis for attracting buyers, the presence of this does not change its own aspect to various positions
lack of automation of the course - i.e. The selection is performed manually. ant. auto;
poorly designed hired person - little responsibility area presence of employees, creates an erroneous assessment of the applicant;
lack of consideration and statistics of the executed activity.

To do this, in order to find a solution, although the share of difficulties in this area, the Gooreo team created a platform to support graduates of training institutions, with the goal of simply selecting jobs according to their qualifications and providing employers with the opportunity to acquire promising, talented graduates to work in their own firms.

Simplifying the procedure for finding a job for the younger generation, experts gain the probability of a decent salary, a service increase the presence of the given period with the smallest number spent in the selection of activities. Firms also will favor the presence of labor with the platform, since the selection procedure is entirely automated with the provision of recruiters for the best job conditions. Quick, due to the minimization of the role of the little people, the presence of the performance of the choice of employees. The low price of services, this is made acceptable due to the smallest role in the choice of people. Without exception, this is competent to reduce the costs of the company and maximize revenue by capturing the presence of a given original friend.

The company plans to introduce a personal token, OREO, which will be used to implement absolutely all actions within the platform.

The use of blockchain technologies in the platform’s work will make it possible to guarantee the greatest security, since individual information and a magazine, which applicants and employers use, will not be able to be compromised.

Company's mission

Gooreo platform is trying to be the best tool in the field of recruiting young professionals with unique features and distinctive features that distinguish it from other competing additions.

The company's mission is to support graduates to find a decent job
on their own qualifications, and also to assist employers to find talented people with the necessary skill set.

In close targets, Gooreo is creating a platform and creating a supplement for young professionals and employers, according to the choice of the desired activity, introducing a supplement in the states of the Arabian society, in order to confirm the international population's performance of the Oreo modification, improving the platform in the base of painstaking consideration of the opposite relationship of users, continuous introduction of innovative trends, the involvement in the plan of the required amount of money, with the aim of introducing an independent and dispersed bond with bubbled capabilities and offerings in the field students and employers according to the whole society.

Who needs this?

In the main sequence, this addition will be expedient for graduates, they will be able to find a system to complete an internship, using acquired knowledge in practice, acquire the necessary practice, characterize themselves before a possible employer and settle down in a stable base in this company. Students simultaneously after graduation, with the support of the Gooreo supplement, will be able to find an exciting service and go to it immediately. The owners of institutions will be able to improve the cost of hiring and save the period of presence of the choice of employees. The government will win with the introduction of this platform as a consequence of the inaccessibility of the need for the formation of sandboxes and integrators for the purpose of young professionals, which are necessary for the purpose of communication between the commercial and the employees.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the Gooreo project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information and join Gooreo social media today please follow these resources:

Website: https://gooreo.com/
Whitepaper: https://gooreo.com/
Telegram Channel: https://gooreo.com/
Telegram Group: https://t.me/joinchat/GVFICBB5tyOUT1KzPkH3MA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/oreo_coin
Discord: https://discord.gg/5ThdXf3

Username : 378budiman
Address 0x64947F03e8d6C2dC65e9F4e87cFc651d1fadd82D

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