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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


Hello everyone, in this new post I want to introduce the SYNAPSECOIN project, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:

What is SynapseCoin?

Synapsecoin is a collective financing system that uses BLockchain technology and Smart Contracts that comply, transparency and security in each operation.

This system allows financing innovative projects connecting them with investors. This system allows financing innovative projects connecting them with investors interested in contribute to the society, and at the same time generating an attractive profitability.

It will also be supported by its own Exchange or (exchange house), called Criptowasi. A system based on disruptive technology, and developed with a look & feel appropriate to the world of trading; using as standard the best practices of the Exchange most positioned cryptoworld.

The Problem

The traditional Crowdfunding systems in the world act with bonuses and rewards in Fiat money, causing a series of problems on global scale such as:

  • Not receiving rewards directly, causing delay to be postponed until several months.
  • Users do not have control of their investments and in many cases the only beneficiaries of the Crowfound are the project creators and the company itself, because users do not handle any type of representation against their investment.
  • The entrepreneur pays high commission rates for platform maintenance of and assumes the transaction costs, which represents 30% of his capital.

Synapsecoin Approach

Having found that traditional crowdfunding system has several weaknesses, in Synapsecoin we propose solutions with the Crowdfunding project, through Blockchain technology and smart contracts. We develop a Crowdfunding system where investors after completing a smart contract, will receive a reward for their investment through our token (SYP) in real time. Synapsecoin will be a recognized platform, allowing thousands of people to develop their business ideas or worldwide projects . We think about you, so generating opportunities to choose a project to invest, receiving attractive returns among other benefits that are detailed respectively in each project.

What does SYNAPSECOIN offer?

It allows to finance your project, idea, business or expand it and start it up.
It will be the exchange currency (SYP), to finance business ideas.
The project will also provide the highest level of privacy and security for our investors and entrepreneurs.
You will receive a percentage for investment made to a Crowdfound project, this benefit will be between 10% to 20% depending on the project. The percentages of retribution will be specified in each project.

Investment info

Accepting: ETH, BTC, LTC
Distributed in ICO: 50%
Soft cap: 3000000 USD
Hard cap: 12000000 USD

Token info

Token: SYP
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Price in ICO: 0.0500 USD


Public sale: 40%
Final Sale: 30%
Tokens for sale: 495,000,000

Funds Distribution

August 2017

Milestones Conformation
team and community expansion.

**October 2017 **

Analysis of traditional Crowdfunding market, Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

December 2017

Crowdfunding design and its implementation with Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

February 2018

Whitepaper development.

**May 2018 **

"CriptoWasi" exchange development.

June 2018

Creation and SYP tokens verification.

August 2018

Development of SynapseCoin website.

November 2018

Implementation of Marketing Strategy, Bounty campaign starts.

December 2018

Private sale campaign.

January 2019

Public Sale campaign.

**January 2019 **

SynapseCoin platform development as Collective Financing System.

February 2019

"ProjectSYP" Development or system of actions exchange, interaction between investors and projects.

February 2019

Final sale campaign.

March 2019

Launching of our exchange "CriptoWasi". Beta Phase of Synapse Coin as a collective financing system.

**May 2019 **

Official Lauching of Synapse Coin as a collective financing system.

June 2019

Official Launching of "ProyectSYP". Expansion, investment and innovative projects in SynapseCoin platform.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the SynapseCoin project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information. information and of course you will be able to talk directly with or their team, at the link.

For more information and join SynapseCoin social media today please follow the following sources:


Username : 378budiman
Address 0x64947F03e8d6C2dC65e9F4e87cFc651d1fadd82D

0.309 GOLOS
На Golos с January 2019
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