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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад



This review is made to help publicize this project to those that need it. This platform is useful for all the DLT users because of the way the team has been very innovative when designing it. It has taken its rightful place in the crypto community and also stands as a useful system to support the work of the existing ETH chain and to support users such that they have a full-fledged platform with a lot of advantages and functions. This token is a new one with a great plan to boost the activities of many entrepreneurs in the platform and to use the concept in favour of the users.


EDC blockchain is an international platform that comes with its cryptocurrency with a pre-designed solution for business to thrive. It has been on the market-space since 2015 and so far has a profound presence in about 57 countries with about one million active users all in its kitty and at the present it is listed on world market like Yobit, Idax, Digifinex, Bit-z, coin hills, coin base, neironix etc. it’s amongst the first to feature a low power consuming mining algorithm called Leased proof of stake (LPoS) that will remotely carry out mining on the master node at very fast transaction speed while you get profit transferred your EDC wallet even if you are a first-timer. Its bit shares 2.0 graphene protocol ensures a faster transaction time, lower commissions and also able to seamlessly carry to multi-task when working with different tokens.


• It will leverage on the bit shares 2.0 graphene technology to provide a faster transaction speed of about 100,000 per second, with the capacity to seamlessly work with multiple tokens at the same and still form a block after every three seconds.

• It gives users the ability to develop coins using the coin constructor to create your kind of coin, launch start-ups and high tech projects and even conduct businesses, the coin constructor eliminates out rightly any need for powerful computing equipment/technology because a special code is generated to ensure the protection of digital assets. All assets developed on the EDC blockchain platform can be either stored as permanent assets or traded.

• EDC has carried out cryptocurrency mining on the hybrid leased proof of stake algorithm (LPoS), in creating cryptocurrencies the platform uses already made packages depending on the users budget, the packages are basic, premium or plus. The basic aids the creation of coin, giving it a symbol and then description, the plus on the hand aids pre-mining, changing of emission figures and setting the symbols and description and then the premium gives the user the latitude to develop a fully-fledged cryptocurrency using the proof of stake (PoS) mining algorithm and holistically carryout configurations on certain very key parameters, the premium is mostly good very complex projects.

• Users can carry out mining by leasing their coins to the masternodes and then later get the commensurate benefit for them

• The EDC is always on its toes to birth new and much more advanced technology that will blockchain more appealing and available for everyone


If you want to create a digital currency for your business, just approach the EDC Blockchain platform. The process here does not require heavy computing equipment nor being programmers before it could be done, rather the EDC Blockchain platform will do all for you with ease with the help of their coin constructor.

Do you want to know more about this promising project? Then check out the following links:

Official website: https://blockchain.mn/

Whitepaper: https://blockchain.mn/wp-content/themes/blockchain/EDC_Blockchain-presentation_(EN).pdf

Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/EDCBlockchain

Official Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/EDCBlockchain/

Join the Telegram group: https://t.me/EDCBlockchain

Writer's Information

Bitcointalk Username: Amendy1

Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2426201

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