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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


SERO is a first of its kind blockchain system, with the premonition of making privacy protection a reality, since so many users are suffering from the constant issues of fraudsters mimicking their personalities which takes place on several blockchain systems. So many users have experienced loss of important data, and money, due to the vulnerability of many of these blockchain systems.

The inflow of people and therefore the distribution of blockchain progression have comprehended the formation of SERO expertise. SERO has come to use blockchain progression to create an outright privacy insistence of blockchain by techniques for a non-instinctive zero-learning check.SERO has relatively come to modify the cryptographic money hover through partaking engineers to create their own encoded modernized assets supporting smart contracts dependent on SERO-Chain.

At present, clients have a widening concern and fervour for privacy insurance; some exceptional affiliations have discharged a huge range of customer anonymous data, as well as Yahoo, Uber, PayPal, worldwide Hotels group, United States credit workplace Equifax, United Kingdom National Health Service System(NHS, etc., exchanging off a couple of millions to endless client data. Facebook lost inestimable dollars in market in 2 days in context on a standout amongst the most effective privacy spills in March 2018. the difficulty of security has in like manner force within the chance of various affiliations; the European Union rose in asserting the overall data Protection rules (GDPR) to encourage the relationship to satisfactorily guarantee customers' privacy.


SERO's decentralized wallet application is in like way beginning at now being worn down and is held to be opened and discharged in March 2019. SERO in like way underpins engineers to make an issue tokens self-governing from some other individual, The SERO wallet will fortify the fundamental token and another SERO based token. The SERO Wallet is a secured, brisk and private wallet that can be used to store the fundamental token and each record and trades are done privately.
The wallet for Windows and Linux can be downloaded at https://github.com/sero-cash/wallet/releases
While the wallet for android and apple gadget can be downloaded at https://qg25.cn/uiTUP3

Computational obligation rewards ( all the all the more figuring force use will be required for applications which use privacy parts ). The SERO Token is the principle token to be used in the SERO circle and can be utilized to engage trades. The token can be utilized by clients for various purposes in their DApp or SERO related environment. The token can in like may be given as a reward to engineers of SERO condition. The token can in like may be utilized as a bookkeeping reward. The token can in like may be utilized to remunerate calculation providers.

SERO acknowledges that there are so many blockchain systems, but they are the first to be interested in boosting privacy protection, not just for a specific field but every sector that has to do with the everyday activity of man, from leisure to health issues, such as online games, they are interested in helping online games come to life, and to also create a privacy medium that will secrete the information of a patient. there is no stopping the SERO network because they will soon make life much easier and better.and they already ended their IEO successfully so I hope you will not going to miss this project

To know more details about these unique projects, you can kindly visit:
Website: https://sero.cash/en/
whitepaper: https://sero.cash/en/uploadfile/upload/2019052010565112.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SEROProtocol/
Telegram: https://t.me/SeroOfficial
Medium: https://medium.com/@SERO.CASH
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SEROdotCASH/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sero-global-inc/
Reddit: https://reddit.com/r/SERO_Official

Author details:
Bitcointalk username: Amendy1
profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2426201

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