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5 лет назад

Infleum - Transparent Trading Structure

_This concept is especially true in digital advertising. If you don’t have your targeting laser-focused, you’re going to bleed money by advertising to people who just don’t care. It won’t matter how witty your ad copy is, how gorgeous your video is, how awesome your images are, or how perfect your landing page is. _


As the most popular and wildly used, centralized cryptocurrency exchanges have gathered a significant amount of influence over the years. The centralized exchanges control the power to make or break blockchain projects, and usually, they are the only businesses that remain lucrative regardless of the level of volatility and instability that the cryptocurrency markets experiences.

The massive wealth and influence that centralized exchanges posses have led to serious unethical acts of market manipulation and exploitation that emphasize exactly the reasons why decentralized exchanges are needed now more than ever.

According to the technical assurance of cryptography, peer-to-peer network communication, distributed consensus protocol, smart contracts and other technologies,it gives room for multiple participants to make use of the blockchain ledger system as a basis for trust for multiple-party transactions, that help to get rid of the need for any additional trusted third parties which allows for low cost and low delay information exchange and transaction processing as well as efficient circulation of digital value.

A shocking information was brought to light by crypto Trader named Silvain Ribes, where he believes that far above $3 billion of all crypto assets’ volume are fabricated and unreal and that OKex, which is the number one exchange rated by volume is the main offender with up to 93% of its volume being fake.

In addition, another trader points out the disturbing fact that the NASDAQ stock exchange only charges below $200,000 for listing mega companies, while a lot of centralized crypto exchanges are trying to charge more than $500,000 in listing fees.

Cryptocurrency influencers and many other people all over the internet are beginning to share different bad stories about how centralized exchanges operates in the same corrupt manner as any regular centralized organizations that posses too much power and influence if they are left unchecked.


INFLEUM is executed by ELSOLCOM, a company that specializes in growing start-up’s and SMEs. ELSOLCOM, through its internal support and collaborative efforts, has established diverse references and clientele that are undergoing a large scale of qualitative and quantitative prosperity. Henceforth, through the decentralized INFLEUM Platform, businesses will overcome regional/physical obstacles, and will be able to provide advertisement/marketing services specific to diverse clients needs.

By inducing active competition of services among INFLEUM users, there will be a boom in services of high quality and quantity with minimized costs, and eventually, the project will be able to reach economy of scale. Therefore, the ecosystem will be bigger and its worth will multiply with user growth, simultaneously boosting the user profits.

With the presence of INFLEUM decentralized platform, businesses will have the capacity to overcome existing regional or physical obstacles, businesses will also be able to provide advertisement/marketing services specifically to the needs of different clients.
INFLUEM platform makes use of Smart Contract and Blockchain to transparently make tracking and verification an easy process.
INFLUEM platform hopes to become an open innovation platform by considering the establishment of a decentralized ecosystem necessary for every user, which includes individuals and enterprises.


• The publishing of brands combines PR, marketing as well as advertising.
• There is an evolutionary method of digital marketing.
• There is a weak customer strategy and marketing that results in 47% chance of failure.
• The advertisement industry is greatly inefficient.
• The absence of transparency.


INFLEUM is a blockchain platform that is created by ELSOLCOMPANY, it aims to establish a trading structure that is transparent and every individual’s small ideas or actions can easily get translated into profit.

ELSOLCOM has a brand publishing company that has an experience and collected intelligence that is required to provide solutions to different problems that little ideas encounter in order to become active businesses.

ELSOLCOM has created an in-house brand publishing platform that will help small brands to be able to realize their potential.

This platform effectively combines planning, design and marketing into a single process, and it will result into an immediate generation of profit.

INFLEUM breaks down the boundaries that exist between industries and distinguished roles, it makes possible the impossible task of free participation.

The structure of INFLEUM creates a trading platform that is transparent and beneficial to every user.


The house-brand publishing platform has made it possible for ELSOLCOM to have an already realized thriving ecosystem.

ELSOLCOM, will at first, create an ecosystem that generates immediate returns.
Most existing platforms and services only have a one-sided structure where a given advertiser distributes rewards to a specific marketer, and as well to a particular provider that will distribute rewards to just certain users.

INFLEUM, however operates in a different dimension, it offers compensation that measures the contribution and behaviour of individuals in the ecosystem.


The initial created version of INFLEUM platform is in the advertising and publishing of brands.
The basic and major strength of INFLEUM is that anyone can make use of the commercial API, open Source API or a protocol available to develop a DAPP in order to provide services.


• The presence of smart contract agent system.
• The presence of target marketing system based on Big Data and AI.
• The availability of a fair and decentralized evaluation system.
• The presence of lowest commission.
• The availability of a competitive landscape.


INFLEUM utility token serves two different purposes. The token is used within the platform for investment and donations.
The increased usage of INFLEUM utility token is made up of a gradual expansion of the INFLEUM ecosystem.

The types of reward made available include:
• Advertisement reward.
• Contents creator reward.
• Influence reward.
• Commerce reward.


The total token available is 3,000,000,000 IFUM.
Sale will have 30.0%.
Ecosystem and growth pool will have 30.0%.
Strategic partnership will have 14.0%.
Liquidity and reserve will have 13.0%.
The team will have 10.0%.
Advisors will have 2.0%.
Bounty will have 1.0%.
The token name is INFLEUM.
The ticker is IFUM.
Total sales volume is up to 900,000,000.
The token issue volume is up to 3,000,000,000.


30% will be for sales.
30% will be for eco and growth pool.
14% will be for strategic partnership.
13% will be for liquidity and reserve.
10% will be for the team.
2% will be for advisors.
1% will be for bounty.
The soft cap is expected to have $3,000,000.
The hard cap should have $18,000,000.
The initial price is $0.02.
The accepted means of payment is ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC, ETC.
The unsold tokens will be airdropped to investors.
The date for the pre-sale to begin is on the 1st of October, 2018.
The date for the pre-sale to end is on the 31st of October, 2018.
The public-sale will begin on the 1st of November, 2018.
The public sale will end on the 30th of November, 2018.
The minimum amount of purchase is 0.1ETH.


The marketing promotion will have 45.0%.
Platform development will have 33.0%.
Business development will have 17.0%.
Legal and Admin will have 3.0%.
Contingency will have 2%.



By 2013: The founding of ELSOLCOMPANY.
By 2014: The publishing of a brand.
By 2015: Brand publishing.
By 2016: Brand publishing, brand launching, awards and certification.
By 2017: Publishing of brands, awards and certification.
By 2018: Publishing and Launching of brands.
2018 Q4: The main ICO of INFLEUM and listing of exchange.
2019 Q1: The blockchain rewards of INFLEUM.
Agent machine of smart contract and development.
2019 Q2: The development of INFLEUM combined wallet.
2019 Q3: The beta launch of DAPP REDITO Prototype.
2019 Q4: The prototype launch of INFLEUM DAPP.
2020 Q2: The release of INFLEUM API/SDK.
2020 Q3: The commercialization of INFLEUM platform.
2020 Q4: The Main net launch of INFLEUM.

For More Information Visit:

WEBSITE: https://infleum.io

TELEGRAM: https://t.me/infleum_official_EN

WHITEPAPER: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Vi7Eush0SDUQxpyw4fX6IukfIAySTdHb/view

ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4979079.0

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/InfleumOfficial

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/infleum

REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/infleum

MEDIUM: https://medium.com/infleum

STEEMIT: https://steemit.com/@infleum/

YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4jK5jP_JJJzjHD4ovXSXgA

GITHUB: https://github.com/infleum

Eth Address: 0xF069a32B27Ca2C446B92A8c28A6b2955E8b335c0

0.610 GOLOS
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