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STSO "Sterling Sovereign Token" - The Miracles of Technology


The genuine quintessence of blockchain and digital money is to disseminate basic leadership powers from focal experts and enormous powerhouses through decentralization. One of the additionally fascinating highlights of cryptographic money is that it can't be constrained by any agents or specialists. On stages like Bitcoin arrange where the structure is shared, the exchange of genuine esteem does not require the commitment of any focal power, since trades are affirmed by a conveyed set of diggers that exist on the framework. Unfortunately the idea of decentralization which exists as the premise of digital currency has not been totally embraced in cryptographic money trades. Lion's share of well known trades with monstrous exchanging volumes are structured on brought together system as opposed to on decentralized structure.

While blockchain innovation has been surprising for business and organization because of the dimension of straightforwardness and security, it is still up to digital currency trades and their customers to ensure critical data and resources

I have used distinctive digital currency exchanging stages and seen that most different users are regularly confused about settling on decision of cryptographic money trades because of a portion of the issues looked on the stages. These numerous issues, for example, instability, adaptability, usability, straightforward user experience and a lot more are the reasons why the MoonX stage is made. Moonx will change the crypto exchange system especially in its push to making it people arranged and free from all mediators and powerhouses.

Bitcoin has been classified "computerized gold," and for a valid justification. To date, the all out estimation of the cash is near $112 billion US. What's more, blockchains can make different kinds of advanced esteem. Like the web (or your vehicle), you don't have to know how the blockchain attempts to use it. In any case, having a fundamental learning of this new innovation demonstrates why it's viewed as progressive. Along these lines, I trust you appreciate this before continuing.

Sterling sovereign is another kind of cryptographic money token which will be used for the Hotel booking and flights booking frameworks.

"Over late years, blockchain innovation has produced critical fervor inside numerous industries and fields. This is expansive because it can possibly significantly change the manner by which data or information is put away and used, upgrading straightforwardness and security, while likewise enhancing exchanges.

An ever increasing number of uses of digital forms of money are gradually crawling out, and an industry that has been steady before on has been that of traveling. With the acknowledgment of Bitcoin [BTC] as an establishing step, progressively online travel booking offices are beginning to bring more alternatives for customers.

The universe of travel has all the earmarks of being available to working with the idea of computerized cash. The blockchain innovation at its establishment is as of now upsetting a wide range of procedures.

Mass selection is seemingly within easy reach. So maybe the travel industry's initial movers will receive the benefits when digital forms of money turn into the standard."

All things considered, Sterling Sovereign will reform travel booking by specifically interfacing travelers to suppliers through the blockchain, bringing about 20%-40% reserve funds on travel buys, just as generous increments in unwavering quality, straightforwardness, and exchange security.

Be that as it may, before we go any further, if it's not too much trouble look at this video introduction to get considerably progressively familiar

Since I have your consideration, how about we get directly to it.

What precisely is STSO?

As showed on the official site of Sterling Sovereign Token, a cryptographic money, comprehensively characterized, is virtual or advanced cash which appears as tokens or "coins." While some digital currencies have wandered into the physical world with Mastercards or different undertakings.

The STSO DEV group were continuously working over a thought with respect to digital money from most recent couple of years which could make more straightforwardness for individuals over the world and could fill in as multipurpose way.

STSO DEV group effectively built up a Blockchain based erc20 token named as "Sterling sovereign token". Which is less expensive, verified and quick contrasted with ordinary money. In beginning the token backings Hotels and flights booking. Application for Sterling sovereign token additionally in creating stage and would be presented not long after the effective propelling of the site.

In any case, that is not all, Sterling sovereign is another kind of cryptographic money token which will be used for the Hotel booking and flights booking frameworks.

In contrast to comparative organizations, Sterling Sovereign does not work as a go-between operator that encourages exchanges among providers and customers. Rather, this incorporates a high-esteem direct retail display.

Sterling Sovereign purchases products straightforwardly from tip top travel organizations at discount costs at a rebate. He at that point pitches this stock with benefits straightforwardly to his site, offering them costs underneath the cost dictated by the great confidence understanding.

Sterling Sovereign individuals don't pay commissions or shrouded charges. Because members specifically purchase travel stock, and not just request it, there is no probability to reorder.

Since Sterling Sovereign just registers its very own stock, providers don't charge extra expenses for particular records. Turn around stage look is requested by the favored part sort channel. Sovereign Sterling will use the usage of this blockchain to at long last make the register unalterable and secure for every one of members' exchanges, shield this data from assaults and make dependable records that can be gotten to if there are issues or question.

In contrast to obsolete and powerless frameworks, the blockchain is a propelled line of cryptographic money insurance. Brought together stages speak to a solitary purpose of disappointment, expanding their powerlessness to programmers. The decentralized and scrambled nature of how exchange data will be recorded and checked in the Sterling Sovereign blockchain vault shields it from assaults that enable programmers to assault individual data and Mastercards from a concentrated stage.

The Features

As of late, a Technical group (STSO DEV group) from the US has presented an astonishing thought by taking a shot at the blockchain monetary forms. The group propelled blockchain based erc20 token "Sterling sovereign token", which would fill in as brought together cash, at first the money would be used for lodging booking and flights booking framework.

A digital money with a few highlights and extraordinary strong application you would find in the market soon and In future, we setting off to the association with real organizations which help the network use our application receive most in return.

Specialized Info

Sterling sovereign token has made by following the protected calculations with various security layers. It is the world's first square chain token which is exceptionally simple to available, transferable and could be used for business and booking purposes. Individuals can get sterling sovereign tokens by means of bolstered monetary forms and could use according to their prerequisites with a single tick. You may get upheld nations list by reaching STSO DEV group.

About Sterling Sovereign Token

The Sterling Sovereign is an ERC20 token that serves the accompanying capacities on its stage:

Sterling Sovereign Closed Consumer Group, enabling access to the booking site.

Reward Sterling Sovereign Token


In light of the Reward rate for each travel alternative, a level of Reward

Sterling Sovereign tokens are come back to the part's wallet with each buy.

Prizes Program

Reward Sterling Sovereign tokens are just made through the Rewards

Program. Reward tokens must be spent on the Sterling Sovereign booking stage, and not at all like customary Sterling Sovereign Tokens, they can't be sold or exchanged. Reward Sterling Sovereign tokens work as a fractional component to diminish Sterling Sovereign speed.

Sterling Sovereign tokens can be traded to buy on numerous trades and will have its very own decentralized trade.
Token Details

Token Name: Sterling Sovereign

Symbol: STSO

Decimal: 18

The Smart Contract


Minimum investment: 0.01ETH

Distribution of Tokens: Total Supply - 50 billion

Public sale: 30 billion (60%)

Team and Advisors: 5 billion (10%)

Developers: 5 billion (10%)

Pre-sale: 5 billion (10%)

Airdrop/Bounty: 2.5 billion (5%)

Partnership: 2.5 billion (5%)

ICO Details


01/01/2019 to 14/01/2019

1ETH = 25 mill + 25% Bonus

0.5 ETH = 12.5 mill + 20% Bonus

0.1 ETH = 2.5 mill + 15% Bonus

0.01 ETH = 250000 + 10% Bonus


15/01/2019 to 29/01/2019

1 ETH = 25 mill + 20% Bonus

0.5 ETH = 12.5 mill + 15% Bonus

0.1 ETH = 2.5 mill + 10% Bonus

0.01 ETH = 250000 + 5% Bonus


30/01/2019 to 12/02/2019

1 ETH = 25 mill + 10% Bonus

0.5 ETH = 12.5 mill + 5% Bonus

0.1 ETH = 2.5 mill + 5% Bonus

0.01 ETH = 250000


13/02/2019 to 28/02/2019

1 ETH = 25 mill = 5% Bonus

0.5 ETHH = 12.5 mill + 5 % Bonus

0.1 ETH = 2.5mill

0.01 ETH = 250000



Identification of competitors and market analysis

Concept development

Launch of STSO project



Presale of Sovereign token

ICO Round

Airdrop distribution

Exchange listing

Coin market cap listing

Explaining of concept for communities and partnerships

Developing application and launching beta version

Decentralized exchange launching to support hotel and flight booking app.

Launching IOS/Android apps for booking system.


John Sherlock: CEO/FOUNDER

Olivia Berett: Marketing Manager

Liam Taylor: Programming Specialist


Tony Hunter: Advisor

For more information, please visit:

Website: https://www.sterlingsovereign.co.uk/

Whitepaper: https://www.sterlingsovereign.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/edited_white-papaer-2.pdf

ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5093110.msg49045743#msg49045743

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/sterlingsovereign/about/?ref=page_internal

Twitter: https://twitter.com/sterlingsovere1

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu4p72YVVxhr49b7f7TPMw?disable_polymer=true

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/I4kP2RYQwfy_HOOsSQSkKA

Bounty SHT Group: https://t.me/shtbounty

Author: walesodiya
Email: walesodiya@gmail.com
BITCOINTALK PROFILE: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2160355
Eth Address: 0xd5138067078B32BA7800b399bC77C49deaA3f2f5

0.000 GOLOS
На Golos с December 2018
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