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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад


In the financial system, to ensure that no money is lost, all payment transactions are recorded in the ledger.

Every financial person must have a ledger that will determine the amount of money out correctly. In digital payment platforms, such as paypal, which are responsible for different finances, the intermediary is responsible for recording each transaction that is passed.

With this system, there is only 'one' ledger that is managed by the platform provider, as a single reference by the parties to the transaction. This aside from being a strength, it also becomes 'one point of failure'. If there is a hacker who has managed to gain access to the ledger managed by this trusted party, then he can manage the contents.

Blockchain eliminates this involvement as well as the point of failure, by distributing ledgers recording transactions into the computer networks involved, where all the ledgers connect to the nature.

All transactions that occur, must be announced to be approved by all computers, ledger holders who before being verified are valid. Transactions that have been completed, are placed in encrypted blocks, which are 'chained' permanently by blocking before and after transactions. That's why this platform is called the Blockchain.

The VERA exchange platform will be the safest and most stable exchange platform due to the multiple layers of security installed in the system. The VERA exchange will be the most widely used trading and exchange platform because of the simple user interface designed with the platform. There will be adoption and a list of both security and utility tokens on the VERA exchange platform. VERA is designed to handle many and large transactions in seconds unlike the slow transactions experienced by traders on other crypto currency exchange platforms.

VERA has launched its own original token that will be used for prizes, trade fees, and other activities on the platform.

The security of traditional exchange platforms is always questionable. There are many cases of manipulation, robbery and hacking in traditional systems. This is one of the problems identified by VERA which has caused it to launch its own crypto currency exchange which will fix hacking and attack problems in the financial industry. All other crypto currency exchange platforms launched before the VERA exchange have tried to solve security problems but in all their efforts are in vain.

VERA has launched its own original token that will be used for prizes, trade fees, and other activities on the platform.

Token symbol => VERA
Sales Token => April 22, 2019 - June 3, 2019
Offered Tokens => 250,000,000
Softcap => $ 1,000,000
Hardcap => $ 2,000,000

45% allocated to the public - for sale
25% allocated for personal-sales
12% is allocated to teams and founders
8% allocated for reserves
6% allocated for prizes & events
4% is allocated to advisors and partners

Website: https://www.veraexchange.com
ICO: https://www.veraexchange.com/ICOVera.html
Whitepaper: http://veraexchange.com/files/whitepaper_v10.pdf
Bitcointalk Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5102708
Telegram: https://t.me/VeraExchangeofficial
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/exchange_vera? Lang = en

ETH: 0x7AF646D27E5d7f16Aafa3E5839014FDAB82A3De3

0.050 GOLOS
На Golos с March 2019
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