Уважаемые пользователи Голос!
Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

"ORBIS" Move your money different and start changing the world. ICO LIVE!

Good afternoon, dear readers, I want to present you a new and promising project, called ORBIS. At the moment, the crypto currency has not yet been recognized as a payment unit in official financial circles of states, such as banks and many other financial institutions. Because of this, a number of uncomfortable moments arise, connected with the purchase or exchange of the crypto currency. We have to use the services of unreliable and unknown companies that earn on the exchange of crypto-currencies through the Internet. After often removing from the consumer a predatory percentage for the transaction, in the worst case, the customer loses all his savings. The system of financial transactions connecting the states' volutes and the Crypto-currency has not been developed yet.

The company ORBIS https://orbistransfer.com offers a solution to this problem by assuming the functions of the financial market for crypto currency. The platform is a peer-to-peer block, which allows you to store and handle current assets. And also invest in investment projects. All operations that will pass through the ORBIS platform will be absolutely free. The developers of the platform simplified the system of transferring funds between different purses, eliminating such inconvenient components as gas and bandwidth of the network, which they use to work with many other crypto-currencies in the market.
Creating an application NFC Mobile, which was released in versions for a mobile phone, as for a conventional computer allowed users to manage their electronic wallets. You can also do this through the offices of the company, located around the world.

The creators of the platform used very convenient tools for users, which gives an increase in the platform's performance as a result of merging different parts into a single whole, due to the system effect. As a result, the system adapts to the requirements and interests of the consumer. This provides a practical cost-saving transfer of tangible assets. The platform allows you to monitor financial flows from any available point on the ground, which is very convenient for users who are constantly on the move.

I want to emphasize that the strategic goals of the company are opening representative offices in all countries of the world. Where along with ATMs there will be cryptoms, so that users can conduct operations themselves. These machines will be connected to the online ORBIS system. All branches will be fully autonomous, without the participation of personnel, in order to exclude the corruption component and the factor associated with the person. Representative offices will solve a number of tasks that will facilitate work on the crypto exchange. This is an opportunity to quickly exchange assets, pay for purchases, conduct international financial traffic. When the project was created, the developers took into account such problems related to the financial sector. For example, all institutions that control financial traffic, naturally focused on the profits of their organizations and talking about customer-oriented, always prioritize their interests. In addition, the system of financial flows of such organizations is not always transparent, which does not exclude the corruption component of such schemes. Even in such organizations, there is the problem of a bureaucratic apparatus, in which a lot of chains are involved in the form of workers, naturally they need to pay a PP. What increases the costs.

The company ORBIS https://orbistransfer.com has created a new site, which will take into account this factor. That will allow to reduce the price of the services that favorably will affect introduction of this new platform. Orbis (ORBS) this token will be sold and also bought at a price that the company will fix to exclude the risk of a depreciation of the currency.

The company also came up with a second Orbis (ORBSi) token, which will be an investment. Its main task is to trade at crypto exchanges. Users will be able to freely exchange these two coins for each other, making profit on the difference in the exchange rate. Manage your wallet with the help of applications in online mode. The cost of the coin is fifty cents. The lower limit of collection is five hundred thousand US dollars.

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