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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


The development of the Internet has opened new opportunities in remote communication with people. For this purpose, e-mail was invented. But as the Internet has become more inculcated in the broad masses, there is a need to create instant messaging services. So there were first social networks. At first it was ICQ, later Facebook and Facebook appeared. There, unlike ICQ, you could upload your photos and videos, as well as listen to music. But in today's social networks it is very difficult to earn. Now this is done by creating and promoting their communities. For those who create their own content, this opportunity is generally bypassed.
I want to introduce you a social network on the Blockchain. It is called FORESTING. It is designed specifically for creative people, because spreading your content, your work, you will receive a reward for it. The FORESTING social network will be divided into three components: the public media platform, banking services (Internet banking) and the laboratory for creating its content.

Media platform will provide general access to content for those who wish, while ensuring a fair distribution of wages. It will depend on the popularity of your community and the quality of the content.

Internet bank FORESTING is a digital decentralized bank for developers of its content. The users themselves will provide the work of the bank. It is intended for fulfillment of any financial transactions by means of an internal PTON token, for example transfers, purchases sales and so on. Also, the network will launch its own currency exchange, where you can buy or sell PTON tokens. Also, the purchase of tokens will be possible on third-party exchanges, where the trade in these tokens will be launched.
The PTON token itself is built on the ERC20 protocol from the Ethereum. Total tokens will be issued 40 billion, 40% of which will be sold through the sale on the ICO. During the ICO, you can get tokens only through the official website.

FORESTING will launch its FORESTING Laboratory, where it will be possible to create its own content, and the availability of special tools on it makes development faster, easier and more convenient. As a result, this is a great opportunity to increase your income by reducing the time it takes to create your work. And after paying a small fee, the web will show ads for your content. To do this, it will have a special advertising module.
For each type of device will create its own software, which will allow you to work and be in touch anywhere.

Separation of functional interests and support of any kind of content in the social network FORESTING will allow you to create your content depending on your hobby. The network will provide a system of confidentiality that will ensure the safety of your creativity from unwanted eyes.

The history of the project is young, but the team has already made a presentation in Tel Aviv and New York. Also, an open forum was held among world experts on blockade and world-class professionals. In the fall of this year, a beta version of the social network will be launched, and in 2019 a version will be created for android, and a web version will be launched for widespread use.
In conclusion, I can say that this is not the first such experience of creating a social network on the Blockchain. The main goal of building social networks on the Blockchain is to enable people to earn money. Yes, having your untwisted channel on Youtube or Vkontakte group, you will provide yourself with a small profit, but unfortunately not all of it turns out. FORESTING will help you earn even with a small audience, but at the same time created the incentive to promote your channel in the form of increased payments, thereby we do not offend anyone.


diimazavr https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1080044

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