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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Hello dear friends and guests of my Golos blog. It this article i wanna tell your about KuBitX.
Every person who is connected with a cryptocurrency knows how difficult it is to trade with it. And this is even despite the fact that now you can find a huge number of different exchanges. This is not surprising, because the usual stock exchanges have the following problems:

  • Low level of security. And here it should be noted that even the largest and most protected exchanges are subject to hacking and stealing user funds.
  • High commissions that force users to think about the feasibility of trading.
  • There are often bans on trade for residents of certain countries. For example, residents of the US and China often can not trade.
  • Long term withdrawal of funds.
  • There are not a lot of couples and much more. All these problems have been known for a long time, but many existing exchanges are not yet able to solve them.
    It is for this reason that this article will focus on the innovative exchange KuBitX, which is able to solve many problems, opening completely new opportunities for all participants.

KuBitX http://www.kubitx.io/ is one of the most universal and reliable exchanges where users can sell or buy cryptocurrency.
The main feature of this exchange is that it does not open any restrictions.
That is, absolutely everyone here can trade in cryptocurrency without risk. Another important aspect the exchange is designed specifically for users and embodies a simple and intuitive interface, minimal commissions, fast transactions, high level of security and much more.

Also, the developers of KuBitX paid special attention to the fact that the exchange became truly open for everyone and implemented only the best parameters that can now be found in the sphere of trade.

In addition, the exchange uses innovative trading algorithms, they will open up completely new opportunities and become truly universal.

Platform Advantages
I will highlight some of the most important advantages of this platform:

  • high speed of processing of payments and deposits. That will allow to trade any currencies really quickly and comfortably;
  • On the platform a special token will work, which will create additional security for all participants;
  • on the platform are quite low commission. Thanks to them, it will be possible to attract a large number of users;
  • KuBitX plans to trade a large number of pairs. This is an important point, because to find almost all the currencies in one place it's gorgeous. As a rule, many exchanges add different currencies gradually, which causes a lot of difficulties and problems;
  • developed its own ecosystem, it provides a high level of money security and will be able to give confidence in the future;
  • all user wallets are cold. That is, even platform developers do not have access to them. And this means only one thing no one can steal money.

Exchange KuBitX solves almost all problems. The only thing it needs is a large number of users. But, and here one should not worry too much, as developers are leading an excellent marketing company to attract users.

I will highlight some of the most important characteristics of this platform http://www.kubitx.io/:
Name of the token: KBX
Built according to the standard: ERC20 (Ethereum)
Decimal token: 18
The algorithm is: PoS
Total number of tokens: 500,000,000
You can buy for: ETH
The minimum fee is 10,000 ETH
The maximum fee is 25.000 ETH

KuBitX is a modern exchange that can solve almost all the problems of this segment and will open great opportunities for all participants. All this will make it truly special and in demand in this segment. Plus, the project KuBitX has and a fairly experienced team that is able to realize all the goals and plans. Also, the project KuBitX is highly appreciated by many experts, so you can safely talk about its popularity and relevance in the future.

 Web: http://www.kubitx.io/
ANN bitcointalk :https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4628365
Whitepaper: https://kubitx.io/KuBitX_Whitepaper_v1.1_En.pdf
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kubitx
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kubitx/
Telegram: https://t.me/kubitx_official
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/KubitX/

diimazavr https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1080044

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