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Сайт доступен в режиме «чтение» до сентября 2020 года. Операции с токенами Golos, Cyber можно проводить, используя альтернативные клиенты или через эксплорер Cyberway. Подробности здесь: https://golos.io/@goloscore/operacii-s-tokenami-golos-cyber-1594822432061
С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад

"Omnitude" Blockchain connection framework. ICO LIVE.

Omnitude project is designed to make the modern online commerce industry more reliable and transparent. Internet sales today are rapidly gaining popularity due to the convenience and speed of transactions. But the world of online trading is not deprived of its pitfalls - there are still various risks of fraud, loss of data and theft of confidential information. The platform Omnitude is designed to dramatically change this situation, making a bet on the modern capabilities and benefits of blocking technology. Now you can easily make purchases with a few movements and without spending your personal time. At the heart of the new approach is the author's OMNITUDE ID, which ensures transparency and the ability to control every transaction and transaction absolutely at any time. Technology opens up actual opportunities for buyers and sellers, ensuring the safety and reliability of the entire chain of the transaction.

Tokens ECOM - the opportunities and the basis for the successful development of the platform

ECOM tokens - profitable opportunities for work and investment by launching your own domestic currency. ECOM's tokens demonstrate all the prospects for stable growth. According to the plans of the developers, the project involves the release of a total of 100 million internal ECOM tokens. Half of the total amount will be available for purchase to interested investors. The developers' plans include using the funds raised to develop and improve the new platform, marketing tasks and media promotion of the project with the help of professional and relevant channels. The release of internal tokens will allow the platform to expand its capabilities, providing prospects for investors themselves. In addition to the possibility of investing in tokens, they can be used for transactions and ordering the necessary services on the platform. Also, the currency FIAT will be accepted for payment.

Authors promise to use the bulk of the funds raised to develop and improve the Omnitude platform, research and work to improve the entire ecosystem. This is confirmed by official documentation and project advisors. Their allotted tokens 5% (5 million) will be provided to investors on pre-sale. Another 50 million will be provided to investors of the project at the ICO, 12 million will be allocated to the team and advisers (tokens are reserved and frozen). 5% of raised funds through the sale of tokens will be directed to the design and development of the platform. Particular attention is paid to the developers of the issues of marketing and platform improvement, taking into account the actual needs of society and industry.



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