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5 лет назад

AVAILCOM: New-generation property rent of keyless access


Everyone has the mind set of engaging in things that will fetch them profit by having a constant and steady income from the activities they are engage in, this paper has a clear explanation and full details on what the AvailCom platform is all about. People sell out things that seems not to be of use, rent out vehicles or real estate,the development plans for the near future nurture the creators of the service, the principles behinde their implementation and the financial component of the project. Presently, organizing and bringing in a new project that is interester to consumers seems to be a bit difficult because the competition in the market is very high and this has made people to get afraid of incomprehensible words. Lastly, the centralized services such as the hertz, Airhub and the Avis has made the service seems more difficult for the companies profile or status in order to ensure there is improvement in their segment and setting a high commission and high rental costs.

About the AvailCom

The Availcom in details can be seen as the principles of equality that is based on the technology of blocking and the equality of participants. The development and popularity of cryptocurrency is close to what will enter the daily activities of the population in the market revealing a significant growth that is based on the system of block-houses. The AvailCom aims to become the most essential and first project that will bring together all the services that are neede into one place by helping them facilitate the access they have towards the public, the availability of the rental market for all segments of the population is the main target of the blockchain platform by providing a convinient and secured transactions for both the buyer and the seller sides. Furthermore, the AvailCom ensure that new opportunities are been developed utilizing the technological innovation and corporate standards. Different kind of payment method or processes for services are introduced and ensuring that they are always available like that of cryptocurrencies through its own way of payment Availpay, providing the service with additional development and profit.

Features of the AvailCom Platform

  • Rent of real estate in thirty countries that are developed accross the world * The share of tenants decreases by 28% for five years in Russia

  • Apart from the Switzerland, about twenty nine out of the thirty countries owns the houses. * In the United States, the numbers of tenants increases twice faster than that of tenants in the European union.

  • Landlords are growing in twenty one out of thirty countries andthe UK'S share in the population.

Low indicator of rental housing

17.2% of Norway

12.9% of Russia

9.7% of the singapore

16.3% of the poland

10.7% of slovakia

High percentage of residential premises

44.8% in the south korea

49% of Hong kong

44.3% of Austria

48.1% Germany

Token Details

There is always an income of 20% of company's profit for every token holders . The payment arrangement for every month end and a replacement of wallets, 20% of a distrubuted profit of the exchange, money is transfered to a special wallet and the amount is divided between the AvailCom token holders in accordance with the smart contract conditions.

Token ERC20: AVL

Hard Cap: 25,000,000 $

Soft Cap: 3,000,000 $

Total token supply: 2,200,000,000

Total price: 0,03$

Mininmum sale: 10$

Maximum sale: 5,000,000 $

Cryptocurrency: LTC,BTC,BCTH,DASH,ETH


The AvailCom automation platform for cars renting and property however is a platform that enables landlord to communicate directly with the tenant and make the conclusion of the contract for the rental of housing and there will be a special system of bonuses for the holders of the AvailCom tokens. The AvailCom platform made things become more easy and convinient for both the client and proprietors who lease out and make constant improvement of the system and guide against risks.

Useful Links

Website: https://availcom.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/availcom
Whitepaper: https://goo.gl/36q7xL
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1767794666861677/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ComAvail
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOnBYX6ftBxMnMjjfxAEgRA
Medium: https://medium.com/@availcom
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/availcom/
Github: https://github.com/AvailCom/availible-comfort.git
Bounty: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4709680.0
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4646093.msg41978840

Authors Detail

Bitcointalk username: kingairdrop
Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1862137
Eth Address: 0xA9334e54F7627332bC581d6dd6fD94aB79b39E55

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