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5 лет назад

ITEX: A Truly Decentralized Exchange Platform


Since the introduction of the Bitcoin in 2009, the growth and mass adoption of cryptocurrency is becoming well understood.The evolution of the blockchain industry and numerous innovative project are developed in order enable one take part in the market every day by day, it is belived that the potential of several projects that continue working for the decentralization of market is yet to be discovered, most of the project slip are seen as unnoiced and this has caused some people with power to position their ideas and knowledge with an innovation value on the exchange platform to become very low and furthermore, the real utility of cryptocurrency are been reduced in order to enable a reliable payment for the products and services such as: cable TV and others.

Problems With Other Exchanges

Today in the cryptocurrency space, people who take part as investors are becoming uncomfortable due to the way the present exchanges are being handled it could be the centralized or decentralized exchange.
Centralized Exchange
Under the centralized exchange there are series of challenges encounter by investors which are listed below.

  • Few numbers are responsible for offering the trading with fiat cryptocurrency.
  • Increase in trading and withdrawal fees and they are not shared with the community.
  • There is always a limited number of cryptocurrencies.
  • Activate and deactivate deposits and withdrawals at their convinience, hindering arbtrage trading.
    Decentralized Exchange
    Under Decentralized exchange there are series of challenges encounter by investors which are listed below.
  • There is a wide range of differencies in between the ASK (spread) and the BID.
  • The financial liquidity is very low.
  • There is no means for using the Second factor Authentication (SFA)
  • Security is not assured and there is always manipulation existence.

Solution to the above Problems

Itex exchange is here to solve the above problem providing a core principle and a decentralization means of controlling the existence of manipulations and ensure that financial liquidity are very high through the establishment of groups that are capable and are highly intelligent with vast experience to meet the actual needs of the market.

The Itex is creating an healthy environment that will actually rely on its work as the large number of cryptocurrencies are been listed in different kind of exchanges, every projects that uses the Itex echange has its backbone will be offer constant trading and will be monitored and rated in order to be trusted by users.

Futhermore, the Itex will ensure:

  • There is healthy environment.
  • The financial liquidity is very high.
  • Security is assured and there will be elimination of manipulation existence.
  • There will always be means for using the Second factor Authentication (SFA).
  • The number of cryptocurrency will always be unlimited.

About The ITEX Exchange Platform

ITEX exchange is a platform that is based on a decentralized trading system enabling users to have a certain number of increasing trade pairs available and allowing its operations to be move eaily and faster. The ITEX is always after the conviniency and safety of its customers ensuring that there is always availability of every order that traders may need like: conditional orders or stops, buy and sell orders.

The main market for the trading proocess are BCN, ITEX, BTC, ETH and the USDT, there will always be asecurity system to protect the registry data enabling users to select security function for the benefits of their login like: email comfirmation,device approvals, 2FA, re-captcha and biometric access which is the Finger pint. The ITEX exchange also make available filters to unsual purchase within the exchange but putting into consideration any inflating price of currency by the developers of cryptocurrency by ceasing their funds and introducing a live chat and call center service in order to get a comprehensive support from its customers.

The ITEX Token

ITEX operates a token based ecosystem which is based on the ethereum network. ITEX will be the driving force within the ecosystem and will play several important roles for users, these include;
The ability to vote for new cryptocurrency listings.
The right to earn a percentage of the platforms total income.
ITEX token will act as a market within the ecosystem, making it easy to exchange for other cryptocurrencies.
Hodling ITEX earns you discounts on trading fees.

Itex Token Distribution

Initial Circulation: 200 000 000
Total number of token: 1000 000 000
Contract Number: 0x1e079011a2bfe689f7fe810c, 85ceffdf392333ce
Compatible wallets: My Ether Wallet, Metarmask, Mist


The ITEX Exchange has introduced ITEX Token namely a ERC-20 under the ethereum network in other to have a currency that consist of a growing utility that can stand to benefits all users by voting for a new currencies and projects, Discounts on fee charges within the Itex exchange, ITEX will exercise its power both within and outside the exchange depending on the value that the community can provide and it will carryout its important activities in order to benefits its users.

For More Information, Kindly Visit Any Of The Links Below:
Website: https://itex.exchange/
Telegram: https://t.me/ItexHybridEx
Twitter: https://twitter.com/itexexchange
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itexexchange/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5093257.msg49051106#msg49051106

Author's Details
Bitcointalk Username: Kingairdrop
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1862137

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На Golos с June 2018
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