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С уважением, команда “Голос”
5 лет назад




The world is in the era of a technological revolution that is very much different and takes place suddenly. This sudden changes takes place in scope, scales and impact. Due to this speed, technology is soon going to migrate into our lives since we are the basic tool for day day transaction.
In the early days of transaction where man use the method of trade by barter, excchanging goods for service and vice versa, by the year transanction improves from the use of shells, ornaments, good and silver, coins or credit card, we can now make transactions even online, offline, through mobile devices and across borders.

About The TCPT

The platform aims at connecting users the access to borderless and limitless retail market, they will do this by providing a trustworthy underlying infrastructure that will make sure of a normal transition or adaption to the day to day crypto payments. We will begin by launching the NUpay wallet and NUPay card, our crypto-based payment willbe used to support different transaction methods in time to come.

The platform will also improve users experience, the NUPay project has in mind to make available a new profit-making venue through a secured blockchain- based platform to enable an on- and offline merchants and stores. We assure our users that our team is making everything possible to reach our technological and commercial goal.


Vision And Mission

  1. To keep all transaction record intact and tamper-proof.
  2. To minimize verification procedures.
  3. To minimize the potentials for errors and hacks.
  4. To function as a medium of exchange, and to store value that can be spent and collected.
  5. To allow the use of TPCT tokens and other coins along with reward points and vouchers.

Problems with crypto payment providers

In the exchange of cryptos' there are challenges of unnecessary intermediates, thereby creating room for inefficient procedures and additional costs. Also there are problem of exploitation, some of the crypto payment providers tends to exploit their customers/users by charging them due to variation in currency value and exchange,this also includes hidden conversion fees. This is another vehement problem.

Solutions With Nupay

The TCPT will be introducing NUPAY to sort most of these issues, The NUPAY willbreak every barier and stand as a sollid foothold for the NUPAY project, this will give it a headstart.
Here are the benefits of NUPAY

  1. Via the use of blockchain-based execution all intermediaries will be eliminated, which will bring about low transaction fees.
  2. Different means of transaction includes cryptocurrencies, gift cards, vouchers, and reward points, this will make it comfortable for users in the platform and it can also be used for the purchase of goods and services.
  3. When a user makes use of their TPCT token a technical support will be provided such a user not just as a means ofinvestment but also as a means for payment in the wide network of partner stores.


ICO Details

Token Name: TPCT
Platform: Ethereum
Total token Supply: 2,500,000,000 TPCT
Token Price: 25,000 TPCT = 1 ETH
ICO price: 40,000 ETH = 1,000,000,000 TPCT
Soft Cap: 500,000 TPCT
Hard Cap: 1,000,000,000 TPCT
Minimum Investment: 0.1 ETH

Token Distribution

Total amount 2.500,000,000
ICO 1,000,000,000 40%
Team 500,000,000 20%
Market development 500,000,000 20%
Reserve 375,000,000 15%
Advisor 125,000,000 5%


The TCPT will be introducing the NUPAY platform into the market to help improve customers experience and the crypto exchange providers, we are sure to solve every problem facing the providing of crypto to users. TCPT will also be eliminating any need for a middle man, an intermediary, thereby reducing the cost of transaction, improving security and privacy and also the satisfaction of the user. Users will no longer be exploited but appreciated by giving them rewards, gift cards and other tools that will make transaction comfortable for them.

NUPay Website: http://nupaymentalliance.com/
Ico website: http://tpct.io/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NUPayKorea/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nupayment/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nupayteam
Medium: https://medium.com/nupay
Telegram: https://t.me/NUPayCommunity

Authors Details
Bitcointalk username => kingairdrop
Bitcointalk profile link => https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1862137

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