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С уважением, команда “Голос”
6 лет назад


Hello, dear readers! Today we again talk about the gaming platform EOT, or rather about its functionality and capabilities. As mentioned earlier, this project has a decentralized structure, which is distributed among the participants of the system. This allows you to seamlessly integrate and promote new gaming applications, as well as to scale the system to the extent that it is necessary. Developers of the site make the main emphasis on the safety, availability and productivity of the ecosystem. Thanks to this, within the framework of the resource, users will be able to interact with each other in a protected mode, where each of them will have certain rights, which will allow them to actively participate in the life and development of the system.

At the heart of the platform are three connecting links:

• The mechanism for selecting games;
• Space for communications;
• Affiliate (referral) program.

Below we will talk about each item separately. In the meantime, I would like to tell you a little about the very token of EON. This digital "token" is a stimulating tool with the help of which the economics of the ecosystem will be maintained. Most of the actions performed by users within the structure are associated with a corresponding distribution of tokens between the participants. It is worth noting that due to the technology of the block, the financial resources of the platform are listed quickly and economically.

Now, perhaps, you can more closely consider the mechanism for selecting games.

The mechanism of selection of games

Now we will talk about a truly unique program, which has no analogues in the world. The mechanism of selection of games adapts to each user of the system, because all actions of participants are recorded in the database of the ecosystem. It is worth noting that the use of such a digital storage within a centralized system will not be cost-effective, since it will require the allocation of too much financial resources for its support. Let me remind you that the content of the large database of the EOT site will be carried out at the expense of the technical capacities of the ecosystem participants.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that the game selection mechanism can use hundreds of parameters of each user, in order to qualitatively perform the task. I note that this statistics is also provided to developers, so they can create personalized applications. They can be done for a group of people or a single user representing the interests of the whole company.

I hope that you could realize the full potential of this development. Now we turn to the features of the communicative functional of the EOT platform.

Communicative capabilities of the EOT platform

The EOT platform will support all communication options that can be implemented on the Internet. All users of the system will be able to exchange messages, images, video files, documents, etc. In simple terms, the EOT platform, among other things, will be a global social network for gamers, where each user will have a personal page.

Unlike standard social networks, the EOT platform, as mentioned earlier, is endowed with a stimulating model of the economy. This means that users will receive higher rank and rights for the execution of the platform conditions. With the expansion of opportunities, participants will be offered new options that allow them to monetize their own efforts to a greater extent.

Features of the affiliate program EOT Every participant of the system automatically becomes a referee.

By the way, the referrer is a user who attracts new recruits for a reward. After primary authentication, each user of the system receives a referral link, through which beginners will become part of the EOT ecosystem. In simple terms, this program has similar features to network marketing.

The EOT platform is equipped with an innovative algorithm that automatically determines the amount of reward received by the referee. It's not difficult to guess that users who have influence and authority in their field of activity will be able to fully unlock the potential of the partner program. I'm talking about bloggers, media personalities, video makers, etc. However, the EOT system also shows loyalty to ordinary users, allowing them to invite friends for a reward.


WebSite - http://eontoken.io/

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/eontoken/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/EonToken

Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/r/eontoken/

Telegram - https://t.me/eontoken

Medium - https://medium.com/@eontoken

WhitePaper - https://docsend.com/view/yuhe5nc

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