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5 лет назад

BCNEX - The Ultimate Blockchain Trading Platform


The business of foreign exchange trading is now being started by many people as a promising business opportunity. Especially in the whole world is in a period of time to improve to become a developed country. One of the promotions is to introduce several cities in the world as international tourist destinations. Obviously this is a fertile field for the foreign exchange trading business that will be more in demand by the community because it is more flexible when exchanging both quantity and queue.

Now, the form of foreign exchange trading is developed more modernly by using forex. Forex is not much different from a conventional money changer. The difference lies in the media used for business. Forex does not require you to warm up or rain to arrive at a foreign exchange place but by using a computer application that is easier and more flexible. It can almost be said that Forex is a foreign exchange trading business that requires almost no capital in the form of liquid funds.

Forex is an acronym for Foreign Exchange, which means foreign exchange. The basic principles of Forex are not much different from the conventional money changers, the way they work is explained in the illustration above. Media is the only difference between Forex and the old money changer. Transactions on Forex only require a special application program that is connected to an internet connection. You just press 'Sell' to sell and 'Buy' to buy and your transaction will run more easily. The benefits obtained from the business of using Forex are advantages in using brain intelligence and your strategy in analyzing currencies with the system provided. This business is also known as an anti-bank business because it involves the world economy with a turnover of more than USD 2 trillion every day.

A platform exists to provide the need to conduct exchange and trade transactions in blockchain-based markets and a wide range of digital assets in Vietnam and the rest of the world. Since 2006 when we first joined the Forex market, we have been researching and developing a number of Forex automated trading systems. In 2009, we deployed real-time data application systems to handle penny auction transactions and matching order systems, and eventually to operate the trading platform for our foreign partners.

Why Choose Bcnex?


Website: https://www.bcnex.net

Whitepaper: https://www.bcnex.net/docs/BCNEX_WP_ENG.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/Bcnex_Official

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bcnex_net

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bcnex.net


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