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6 лет назад

Reviews Rating HubrisOne

Welcome everyone back to my blog. Today I would to talk about a project called HubrisOne.

But first, we need to know what is HubrisOne?

HubrisOne, is a mobile application designed to completely revolutionise the dynamics between the cryptocurrency and the banking sector. At present there is little to no trust between traditional banking and cryptocurrency users. We plan to fuse traditional banking with cryptocurrency, and deliver the related services to the masses through an open, honest and fully trustworthy infrastructure, which is easy to use and easy to understand by new entrants into the cryptocurrency market and veterans alike.

Rating from icobench: 5/5 stars

The HubrisOne team is introducing a functional utility token known as the Hubris Token (HBRS), which will be used within the HubrisOne app and infrastructure, as a store of value, a way to transfer funds, receive platform access, discounts and used as a form of payment in conjunction with the HubrisOne debit cards.

There is a vast market opportunity which is not dominated by any new solution. We are offering easy and affordable banking solutions to the 2 billion unbanked people around the world.

There is a robust business model established depends on several revenue streams such as, membership fees, crypto-backed lending services, and open partner marketplace.

Rating from trackico: 5/5 stars

There are many challenges originating from both cryptocurrencies and traditional banking system. These challenges prevent wider adoption of cryptocurrencies and whole world to benefit from cryptocurrencies. These challenges would only be overcome if the perception of people changed, which is almost impossible as a solution. The other option would be to implement a solution which would become a real connector between these two functional systems, offering benefits that will make processes related to each ecosystem easier, cheaper and more beneficial to participants.

Rating from foundico: 7.5/10 stars

HubrisOne, is a cryptocurrency wallet and traditional fiat bank account combined into a powerful, intelligent, regulated and compliant mobile application. We are focused on merging the benefits of these two powerful industries, seamlessly. We have designed HubrisOne to be easy to use, secure and intelligent. HubrisOne is more than just a digital cryptocurrency friendly bank account. It is a realistic and innovative approach to banking and cryptocurrency utilization.

Token Details
PUBLIC SALE: 1 JAN 2019 - 31 MAY 2019 (1.0 USD = 100.0 HBRS)

SOFT CAP: 100,000 USD
HARD CAP: 6,000,000 USD
TOTAL TOKENS: 1,000,000,000


Solving the extortionate global exchange fees by utilizing one of the fastest and cheapest blockchain technologies, namely Stellar Lumens, would make life easier and profitable for those who need to do such transactions.

Providing all the services with the app which customers could do through a call centre operator, improves the customer/user satisfaction. This would attract more and more users by itself.

With all the features of traditional banking system which make individuals life easier combined with cryptocurrency buying and selling options, I agree that HubrisOne will help cryptocurrency adoption.

For any application which is capable to control funds, security is top priority. HubrisOne is aware of this fact and implemented top notch security measures. This will sustain the reputation to be gained in time by continuously protecting the user funds.

As for the progress made up to date, there are a lot of things completed. Just a couple of milestones to be covered remained. This brings reliability to the project.

More info please visit link:
Web: https://www.hubrisone.com/

Whitepaper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1enh6bm59MXPMmQ8MVKXs68iShXD45L7p/view

BOUNTY: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5033971

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HubrisOne1

Twitter : https://twitter.com/hubrisone/

Telegram: https://t.me/hubrisonebounty

BTT Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1234556

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